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Chapter 2

Y/N's Pov.

Not too long ago was the shortly awaited day of my interview for a new job, and I got hired. It was great to be settling back down into the country with my family in it.

I decided to put my studies forward into a business. It was a news-paper business and I had been so excited to begin. Newspapers and such media's are important, I was glad it was what I could give back to society.

However, to my dismay, it was incredibly boring. I didn't do anything apart from serve warm drinks to the staff- who treated me ever so poorly. They promised me a promotion if I did well, but how would I even get promoted if they don't let me do anything. They don't even let me show my talent when it comes to writing up articles and such!

It was my break and I was heavily frustrated. I don't like how the workers could treat me so much lesser than them, I was just as capable as they are. However, not every work place presents their workers as fair.

I'm already planning an escape from this workplace if my kind gestures don't change anything anytime soon nor help me gain a promotion.

I swung the back door open. They were now forcing me to take out their trash- as if they couldn't do it themselves! Slowly, the door closes behind me. I heard a click, despite it being a quiet sound, I knew the door was now closed.

I sigh. "This is all so fucking boring its barely been a few days and I'm already sick of these people! Making me pick up their repulsive bags of trash." I throw the bag onto the floor, nearby the overfilled bin. I exhale a long, sharp breath.

"Are you...okay?" I look to the side. I was met with a tall boy. One of his eyes were white, a scar flowed like a river, from his forehead, to his eye, and down his cheek stopping near-by to his ear. The other eye was a deep, dark red. He had a simple buzz cut.

On his right, slightly behind, was a guy I had seen before. The graveyard. His platinum coloured hair swayed beside his face as his lilac eyes examined every inch of me. He looked around my age.

"Oh yeah, I am sorry..ahahaha" I laugh it off, mainly wondering why people were hanging out behind a news-paper business building. Quite an odd place to 'chill' in.

The tanned man was about to speak until "Y/N MAKE ME A COFFEE, I AM THIRSTY." I heard a shout from the building. "Argh..." I sigh once more as I slowly walk back into the building.

Walking over to the coffee station preparing multiple being fully aware, the other lazy workers who can't seem to do things for themselves, would ask me for a cup of coffee too. Correction, they'd order me to do so.

Izana's Pov

"Y/N....what a beautiful name" I whisper.

"Izana? It's just a random girl, Suffering in complete distress...but that's not the point. Why are you so interested. You've only seen her twice. Twice Izana, twice." Kakucho repeats

I don't even want to listen to him anymore. Just who is she? I feel so attracted to her. "I don't know...she's got some type of aura to her." I slowly verbalise myself "Lets go meet Tenjiku..." I walk off before Kakucho could say anything.

I don't know you Y/N. But something about you tells me I want to.

Y/N Pov

It was a long and stressful day for me. My shift was over-but knowing my workers- they'd do anything to get under my skin. Which is why I have stupidly concluded, I am exiting through the backdoor. This way, none of them could catch me before I leave through the main entrance and conjure up a special demand.

Now that I think about it, It isn't a stupid idea. Not at all. I am ditching something inevitable if I had went through the main exit.

I walk out, making sure i take the back short cut. However I suddenly get to a point where the place I had to pass through had an insane amount of men. All dressed in red, apart from 2. There were like hundreds of them! Its the same people I keep seeing.

Its some kind of gang. Probably not too harmless though. Chifuyu told me he runs around with a gang, how he's a part of that peace gang. He did remind me there are some people who are bad here-and-there bur it cant be that terrible.

It's not like I am disturbing them of anything, they aren't that close to me at all. I simply make my way to the exit of this secluded area, which was only a few blocks behind the business building.

I weave through the messily placed motorbikes wondering to myself- how could they let this get so messy.

However, out of nowhere I hear someone rush to me from behind. "Who the fuck are you and why are you here?" He asks me.

Before i could answer- The man had a tight grip on me pulling me towards the centre of the huddled up delinquents.

I get a good view of him. Side-shaved blonde hair, lots of piercings and a tattoo on the side of his head.

"Shion, leave her alone." The familiar guy, in front of us told the blonde boy.

"Y/N" He calls me, walking off to the exit (my original destination). He must've remembered my name from when my colleague called for me.

"My name Izana. I think a pretty lady such as yourself shouldn't be around here. This is a place for delinquents to be...whatever they are bound to be. A passer-byer such as yourself shouldn't be here." I nod, agreeing with him.  "Now" He continues "Go home, dont stay around long, be safe"

He immediately walked away after saying that, but i did as he said. I went home.

That was unexpected.

I guess I will take his advice and avoid this route...

King | Obsessive!Izana Kurokawa x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now