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Chapter 10.

Y/N's Pov.

He moved his tongue against mine, feeling the wet insides of my mouth. I did nothing to fight it.

I enjoyed it. He climbed over me, hugging my body as he caressed my lips with his. Forgetting he wasn't the safest person to be around, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

He pushed back for air every now and then- also making sure I had no regrets kissing him- which I didn't. I'd even grab his shoulders and pull him back onto my lips.

I really liked it. I don't know what came over me.

I sat up, him hovering above me. I smile into his lips. My hands move to the sides of my shirt- about to pull it off. But he grabbed my hand to stop me.

"I don't want you for your body Y/N. I won't have you while I'm sad. I want you when I'm happy enough to clearly recall every detail personally l. you realise, you love me."

Those words made my heart flutter. I've never been intimate with someone else like this-but everyone who I know has been says it ends in thing's such as sex. Some people even attempted to use me, but I refused it was never really my thing. However, Izana is different. He's more wholesome than I expected. I had no idea someone who'd do something so evil can be that way.

I remove my hands from my shirt, and fix it up to cover me. A tear rolls down my eye.
"Thank you" I whisper as blush spreads across my face. He gets off of me and rolls onto his side, facing me.

He pecks me on the lips.

"I love you Y/N. Goodnight."

He's more affectionate recently...

"Goodnight..." I whisper back as I once again drift off into sleep, feeling him latch back onto me, cuddling into me.

A few days have passed, it was calm. I forgot about escaping. It's stupid, because he kidnapped me, I should definitely be trying to run away but I just can't. It's like a magnet tying me to him. I spent my days locked up in this room, usually Izana by my side, sometimes with Kakucho. I learnt so much about who he is.

He's still a bad person I just feel like I like him. A lot. He's become a norm in my life.

"Y/N, How about I take you out on a date tonight?" His large lilac eyes stare deep into mine.

I don't voice it out loud, but won't we be caught? Wasn't I all over the news? Surely people didn't forget about me that fast...

"Ok..." I reply.

"Great, We will be going out at 10 in the afternoon. You will be wearing a hood. Remember the guys who bought you to me? They'll be there too. Somewhere in the shadows, expect accompanied by more of them,"

What a fucked up idea of a date, my face scrunches up.

"It'll still be romantic though..." He replies attempting to defend his point. "You won't even notice they're there, It will feel like it's just us going on a nice date. I promise, Y/N." He reassures me. I don't know how to cope knowing I'll be followed around but if I'm going to be able to get fresh air- then I will do it.

"Sure." I reply confidently.

Next thing I knew, its already 9:40, and I'm getting ready. Not only physically, but mentally too. I'm not sure what to expect. Izana did tell me I wont be wearing anything extravagant, that would defy my disguise so when i approached the bed- I saw a hoodie and some pants. I assume the hoodie was his and the pants were most definitely mine.

It was a surprisingly good looking outfit despite it being borderline basic and probably not the best outfit to wear on a date. I felt great in it, warm and comfortable.

Izana walked me out of the room, His gang following behind us. He locks the house door. His 'men' smirk at us before walking away into no-where. Its as if they evaporated.

"Have fun Izana, Y/N" Kakucho followed behind them.

Izana reaches behind my head, pulling the hood over my head as his fingers glide against my hair.

"We don't want anyone seeing you, now, be a good girl for me." He kisses my forhead and grabs my hand, gently placing our palms together. We walk in silence followed by him.

Sooner or later we ended up in some park. I didn't think Izana was all that into nature, but it's beautiful here, so I have no reasonable complaints.

Izana took the bag he was was wearing off of his shoulder and zipped it open. A beautiful F/C blanket was pulled out of it and then laid across the grass. He takes his bag and flips it upside down, letting the contents spill on the blanket.

The blanket now displayed multiple treats, raging from fruits, to sandwiches, to sweets.

"Oh wow, a dinner date, late in the park." I look at him

"Do you not like it?" He questioned concerned

"No, I love it to be honest." I wasn't lying. I'm hungry.

I grab the sandwiches, giving him one, and then we decide to ate.

"Why'd you pick me?" I asked swallowing the last bite of the chocolate.

"Y/N, it's not like there is a fully descriptive answer I can give. I just like you. I saw you, so I wanted you. This wasn't the best way to get to your heart but one day you will probably be grateful this happened to you."

I can't give an answer to him, he always makes the words stay blocked up in my throat.

"So then, Y/N Matsuno. After all of this we've been through together, I thought- even tho we haven't known each other incredibly close"

My heard begins to thump louder.

"I'm a king, will you be my queen?" He asks me, his platinum hair swaying as the cold air slapped his skin.

King | Obsessive!Izana Kurokawa x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now