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Chapter 26.
T.W. a fairly large time-skip

Y/N's Pov

We finally arrived, Back in tokyo. I sigh in relief. Sitting in the back seat, I glance at my precious daughter sleeping.

During the plane ride, one of Izana's helpers on board informed me that they contacted Chifuyu, who is letting us stay with him until we find a new home. He lives on his own now, probably something to do with the fact his legal guardians have been prosecuted. He does get regular check-ups from authorities to help him if anything is needed.

Sometimes its hard go believe all that shit actually happened.

I smile to myself. Aneria reminds me of Izana. At least, the part of him that wasn't so psychotic. The part of Izana Kurokawa that cared and loved me. The way his Lilac eyes rested on my form so gently, as his tan fingers trace me in awe and how his rosy lips fluttered small kisses all over whispering comforting comments.

I hope, when he finishes whatever business he had left and comes back to us, everything will be normal.

But then again, I'm just a fool who fell in love with his harmful influence. Stockholm syndrome, as the doctor call's it.

I sigh, my eyes manoeuvring onto the familiar road. However this time, there aren't any delinquents on motorbikes in pure red uniforms speeding past.

"Fuyu!" I hug my brother who opened the door, kissing his forehead. He hugs me back tightly then pulling away.

"Is that...her?" He asks, staring at Aneria. I nod.

The blondie suddenly bursts into tears. "She's so adorable!" He sloppily mumbles between sobs. Reaching out to hold her then walking away into the house.

I'm glad he likes her.

Closing the door behind me, I move the suitcase to lay on its back, Crossing my legs as I begin to unzip it. Considering I have some energy right now, It'd be better to unpack as soon as possible. I won't be bothered to do it later.

The zipper glides as I begin to open the navy suitcase, Flipping the cover back I immediately gasp.

Chifuyu , alarmed, rushes to where I'm sitting in the middle of the living room.(making sure not to drop Aneria in the process)

"Holy Shit!" He flinches.

Among the never-ending stacks of money notes overflowing in the suitcase lays a white envelope.

My S/C hand shakily reaches to grab it as I try to rip it open. "Fuck" I mutter as the white paper cuts my delicate skin.

Pulling out the white paper, the blood of the fresh slit on my thumb dyes it red. A colour that brings back unforgettable memories.

"From now, I'll be supporting my beautiful love, and my daughter, from the sidelines.
Goodbye, Y/N.
~Your King"

Ignoring the tears running down my burning cheeks, I throw the now scrunched up paper.

What kind of 'king' abandons their family? Izana, you asshole.

—Time-skip 2 years—

Izana's Pov.

"No, No, Fuck. Don't leave. Come on!" I beg her.

She whips her head around to face me, Her H/C  hair flowing from the gush of wind. With a pissed off look on her face, she pulls her shirt over her head.

"Why the fuck would I not leave? All you want to do is fuck me. And you keep moaning someone's else's name. Who the fuck is 'Y/N'?"

I pause for a moment, before a smirk paints my face.

"A woman, better than you, Daisy."

She screams insults at me, crying and storming out the room.

I grow agitated over the fact she forgot to close the door to my room.

"Damn." The slightly-deep voice rumbles down the hallway. Soullessly plain eyes staring at me as his head pops around the corner of the door. "You're the worst man to exist, Izana."

"You've told me that many times Mikey." I run my fingers through my platinum hair. Y/N used to play with it all the time.

He walks into the doorway fully, his short body had an oversized black shirt hanging from his shoulders, black pants flowing from his waist, his same ruffed up flipflop -which are also black- rest beneath his feet.

"You're the one who left her. Being intimate with other girls who look like Y/N will not help you."

I sigh as I roll out of bed, standing up, slipping my boxers on.

"You could've waited until I left, But okay" His footsteps move back down the hallway where they first came from.

He's been more talkative recently. I grab my phone, scrolling through my contacts list.

I block Daisy ,the girl who I slept with, from my phone. I don't need her anymore, she was nice, but she wasn't Y/N Matsuno.

Mikey isn't wrong, Sleeping around with E/C girls who also have H/L, H/C hair will never help me.

Opening a large, white envelope, I shove a few stacks of money into it. As promised, I'll be helping Y/N from the sidelines. This is a weekly process of mine.

I wonder how cute my daughter is.

Did she take my features? Or Y/N's? Or both?

About to call one of my helpers to make them send the money out, I pause, A new idea flowing through my head.

Pulling out a separate sheet, the ink softly flows down and onto the page.

"Hey, Y/N.
I love you.
~Your king."

I fold it, shoving it into the envelope.  I wonder what she'll think.

On second thought, I take the paper back out, Folding it over, writing a return address. Not one that would expose where I live or rather anything else people could use to trace back to me, but one of my many mailboxes scattered around.

I'll get someone to check it regularly. Though, I'm skeptical. Will she even reply?

I know I made the choice to leave her behind, For the greater good. I don't expect her to want to talk to me, she most certainly has the right to hate me. But I desperately need a reply.

I need her to fuel me with hope.

Even after these long, two years I'm not over her.

Mikey regularly tells me something along the lines of: "Izana, you've gone soft"

I disagree.

Though, I think I'm going to break my promise and seek her out again.

King | Obsessive!Izana Kurokawa x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now