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Chapter 21.

Y/N Pov.

I felt the same overwhelmingly tense feeling like I did last time when I was here, sitting in this same exact court room once again. At the same desk, in the same seat.

Although it was apparent that Izana was due for a retrial, I wasn't expecting it to be so soon. This trail is taking place right the day after Chifuyu had come begging me to return home, until we both agreed, it wasn't worth it to save our parents.

On the contrary, we are saving Izana. It really wasn't fair considering why he was locked away in the first place. Out of all people, I should be the one who detests him the most, yet I don't. I want him out and I wish to be with him.

The same lawyer as last time was also here by me, he didn't look very pleased to be here again. After his toxic treatment last time, seeing the agitated frown on his face made me selfishly gleeful.

Izana strutted into the courtroom, nonchalant expression painted on his face as he looked around, then maintaining eye contact with me when he had found me. His hair had changed since the last time I saw him, which wasn't too long ago, but it was gorgeous. Wavy snowy hair, falling above his forehead, just over the eyes.

I snap back to reality, I need to focus more- stop myself from daydreaming all the time.

Kakucho was absent, the court system decided that he was almost done with his punishment anyway so there was no point in trailing him.

And so, the trail had begun.

It makes me feel really guilty thinking this way about Izana, but I wonder what kind of bullshit he caused, gaining himself a retrial trying to get him out of prison already. Another part of me debates the opposite- I wish to not know what he had done.

Suddenly, my mother raise her voice, screams erupting to counter Izana's lawyer "What do you mean? He.. Look what he did to her! She's carrying his repulsive thing in her womb now! And you want to free him!?"

Simultaneously, mine and Izana's eyes widened. "What the fuck?!" I rapidly stood up, slamming my fists on the table in complete outrage "How can you sit here and lie? You and 'father' both abused me, blamed me for my own abduction and you're here trying to tell me who hurt me?"

The lawyer beside me, irritated tried to drag me by the arm to sit me back down, but my reflexes made me pull myself out of his grasp. "And if you'd like to know..." I once again began "I was the one that let him, I opened my legs for him, It was consentual. Stop calling my unborn child repulsive."

I saw the disgust grow on their faces as I said that.

I'm pretty sure my lawyer told them I was pregnant, It was very visible and he confirmed it a few minutes before the trail by asking me. We had a little 'meeting' which didn't progress much as I didn't want to speak to him.

I wonder how much he gets paid playing along with all of this.

The court room quieted down. It simply goes to show how some people cannot face reality. But the same goes for me, I should probably consider what Izana had done to me was wrong. I keep lying to myself saying it's okay despite thinking the same thing over, and over. But I'll let it be. I'm happier with him, and I'll continue not to face that reality.

I want to forget, I want to start over.

What's stopping us from starting over?

The trail had ended, With Izana having his sentenced lowered to 2 months of probation. As for my parents, and the lawyer for hiding information, I zoned out before they were sentenced. I don't care.

Izana's Pov.

"So, how'd it go?" Laughie can barely contain himself, eager to find out. This dude was literally waiting near the entrance of the prison just to speak to me.

I press my finger against my lips, hushing him, signifying I'd tell him when we get back to our cell. He shamelessly followed behind me.

As soon as we make it to our destination, I begin to gather stuff I'd take with me, most of them being letters Y/N and Kakucho had sent. "Well, I'm out of here." I can hear Laughie cheer behind me.

"My lover, she's so hot. She's the reason I'm getting out of here, you know. The way she stood up against everyone else, shouting at them just for me..." I continue, confidently praising Y/N. Laughie may be my acquaintance, but that doesn't mean I wont do my best to show him I've got thing's he could only see in his dreams.

"Ooo~" Laughie invests his interest into (what he likes to call) 'the drama' I'm telling him.

Laughie is genuinely annoying, I don't know why I decided to put up with this.

But I do appreciate him for being by my side during this short prison stay, and although he is replaceable to me as a person- he is irreplaceable as a respectable cellmate.

I definitely won't miss his ridiculously loud snoring and constant wheezing. I cringe as the thought passes through my head, he reminds me of Ran.

I follow down the halls behind an officer, holding all the belongings I decided to take. The letters, photographs, anything that reminded me of Y/N. I gave everything else to Laughie.

The hallways are clustered full of other prisoners, congratulating me.

Guess the head officer is going to be delighted now that I've been released. It's bizarre how I got away from all of this. What a corrupt prison.

"Alright, Kurokawa." The officer escorting me slides the door open. We are now at the police station, only a few minutes away from home. I was told I'd be picked up by someone.

In her full glory, Y/N gently opened the door to the station. The smallest, gentle smile glows her face up as I make my way towards her, wrapping my arms around her waist as hers slither around my neck holding the loving embrace.

"Well, I guess you're free to go, Kurokawa. Remember to behave yourself, you're on probation after all and we will be keeping an eye on you." A bearded man at the counter stated. Although what he said was meant to scare me, his tired and bored expression didn't convey that.

We leave the station, making our way to the car, my hand in hers. She leads me to an expensive-looking car, I pause in confusion. I never knew Y/N could drive... I should've known. When I was first growing an interest to Y/N, I attempted to know everything and anything about her. All the the smallest details. Not in a creepy way of course... but how come I never knew she could drive? Fuck.

The dark, tinted window of the front seat rolls down revealing a violet eyed Ran Haitani.

In conclusion, Y/N cannot actually drive and she bought this dick with her to come pick me up.

I would've much rather used public transport than see this dude right now, but as long as I'm getting home, It's all okay.

As we got home, a sense of relief washes over me. It's great to be back. Ran left as soon as he dropped us off, taking Rindou with him- who for some reason was in the house. I decided not to question it any further.

I greet Kakucho with a hug, having a conversation which was quickly cut short. He informed me he had homework to do. Y/N helped him enrol into a school while I was away, I feel like a proud father knowing he is receiving the education he deserves.

I walk down the hall, to where mine and Y/N room is, collapsing right beside her on the bed. I cuddle up to her, rubbing circles on her stomach.

I'm glad to be back, where I can keep a close eye on her. Where I can, and will, keep Y/N all to myself again.

It's déjà vu.

King | Obsessive!Izana Kurokawa x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now