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Chapter 18.

Ran's Pov.

"Hurry the fuck up Bro, we don't have all day!" Rindou shouts out to me as he slams the door of the car, making his way to the prison entrance.

I hurriedly finished up re-braiding my hair and checking myself out in the mirror above the car window. I'm so fucking handsome. Proceeding to follow Rindou, exiting the car and locking it running after him, I yell out "Hey! Don't slam the door next time, that car was fucking expensive." I glared at him- he scoffed.

We continued our way to the entrance until I broke the silence, Lightly laughing under my breath, I peer over to Rindou.

"What?" He asks with venom.

"You're hair is sticking up. You look like a chicken. Ahahaha!" I wheeze trying to contain myself.

Rindou, trying to act coy and pats down the fly away hair which was sticking up. He can pretend to be nonchalant all he wants but being his brother, deep down, I know he must be so embarrassed.

We make it up to the front desk, the old, silver haired officer asks us who we are here to see.

"Izana Kurokawa." Rindou flatly states- not wanting to interact with the guard much.

"Oh? Mr. Kurokawa?" Asks the man at the desk, as if Rindou didn't literally just say his name. "I'm afraid, Kurokawa has been put into isolation for causing a disturbance. He should be out in a day or two- the officers are being easy on him since he's new here. Oh! I heard it was so dramatic- apparently he beat the shit out of some-"

"Ahem." Some lady cleared her throat from behind. "You shouldn't be giving out information to some random strangers." She scolded the man at the desk.

He was quite chatty I must say, but he was giving us the information we needed. She ruined it.

"You heard him- You can't see Kurokawa. Scram." She repeats, attempting to act cool.

"Shut the fuck up and mind your own business." Rindou spits out at her "Go get yourself a coffee, a donut or whatever it is that keeps you police pigs sane and out of other peoples problems."

I stood their mouth wide-open. Her face suddenly flushed red as she excused herself to go else where. The silver haired officer at the desk giggles to himself.

"Damn, Ahaha, you must be agitated today. Challenging a police officer? That's not very manly of you." I coo as we walk to the exit.

"I'll beat your fucking face in." Rindou side-eyes me. "We drove so long to get here and now we can't even see Izana. What a joke."

"I guess the bastard is making himself a title- already beating the shit out of people. That's the Izana Kurokawa, the king, we know." I exhale on a more serious note.

"Why are you both in my house?!" Kakucho shrieks at Rindou and I who are currently laying on his couch, eating some snacks we found in the cupboards.

"The real question is- Where were you?" I attempt to switch the conversation as a joke.

"At school..." He mutters back, answering in an agitated tone. I side-eye Rindou as we both erupt into laughter.

"Kakucho- At fucking school? No way." Rindou's new humorous mood brightens up.

"Y/N told me to try going to school, I'm a teenager and she believes I deserve an education- unlike you assholes who have the free will to go to school yet choose not to." Kakucho tries to enlighten us.

"We're the brothers of Roppongi- we've got enough money to live life comfortably. However, as you asked earlier, we're here to inform you that Izana is in some type of special confinement for a day or two, so you can't visit him. " I pop a cookie into my mouth. "He beat up some other Inmate or something."

The door suddenly slammed open, a H/C, H/L haired woman in destress enters the home. Her E/C eyes wide open. She looked completely shocked.

"Hello, Y/N.." I timidly greet her, unsure of what to say to her.

"Are you okay Y/N?" Kakucho asks- visibly upset.

Y/N Pov.

Flashback, a few hours prior.

I decided to go to a doctor. I've been feeling sick lately. At first, my therapist told me all these symptoms of nausea and sickness were probably because of stress, a lot of change in my life making me feel physically this way. But I've decided, I'm done with throwing up constantly and I want to put an end to it. There's no way this is just stress, there must be something more to it.

I arrive at the appointment. I didn't tell Kakucho about this- I forgot to as he was on his way to school. But I'm sure it'll be fine.

I've been sitting in the waiting room for about an hour now- they've tested me and are waiting for my results. I flip through magazines, not that I found them particularly interesting, I was just bored and there was nothing else to do.

The lights are so infuriatingly bright as the bounce off of the pearly-white walls.

"Y/N Matsuno." A doctor finally calls me into his office.

I sit down in a soft stool, his office being less brighter than the lobby. I preferred being here rather than the other room, but I'm not particularly comfortable with this setting either.

"Your tests came in- you're all okay. Congratulations though." He exclaims.

"For what?" I ask, baffled.

"You're pregnant, Y/N Matsuno. A month and about a week or so along. You didn't notice?"

"No. I didn't." I wasn't necessarily upset, but I wasn't happy either. I was confused and utterly lost. Unsure of what I should think or feel.

"That's so irresponsible of you. How do you not know you're pregnant. Tsh.." He smacks his lips, mumbling under his breath. "Probably going to fail as a mother too."

A Skin-slapping noise, accompanied by a bang echoed through the room as the doctor lays on the floor rubbing his red, bruised face . I slapped him, he deserved it.

Without any further word to him, I sprint out of the building, running down the street all the way home. Tears escape my eyes and dried against my cheeks as the cold air blew on them.

End of flash back.

"You're pregnant?" They scream out, interrogating me in unison.

"Yeah, I checked with the doctor today.." I reply, still shaky yet more confident in speaking.

I'm quickly coming to terms with it. It's obviously Izana's child and what is done, is done. I don't really see anything bad in it.

"So, who's kid is it?" Ran stupidly asks.

"Are you dumb, obviously Izana's!" Kakucho smacks Ran across the head, lightly.

"How do you know? Hmmmm?" Ran further questions him.

"I've only ever participated in intercourse with Izana the night before the fight. Plus, I'm not showing much signs yet apart from nausea because my health isn't that great at the moment. I'll have to try and change that. For the greater good of myself and the child." I cut in, sighing. "I'm going to have to tell him it soon. I want to keep it."

The Haitani's as well as Kakucho hug me. It was surprising and out of character for them all, but I'm greatful and glad they want to make me feel happier.

"Right then....How was school Kaku?" I ask him, trying to defuse the conversation and distract us all for the moment.

I wonder how Izana will react.

King | Obsessive!Izana Kurokawa x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now