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Chapter 6.

Y/N Pov.

Izana tied my arms back up before he had left the confinement I was in, He told me he'd let me out of the bondages tied to me if I was going to be nice to him when he returns- but it's not like I focused on what he had to say. After all, I was more over-thrown by the pain I felt. An intense sting in my arm, It definitely doesn't look as repulsive as it did a while ago (Judging how long I've been here, probably multiple hours) yet it still burnt awfully across the surface of my S/C skin.

I could feel the bumps of new skin-cells grow along the wound as my arm scratched my back. Was it necessary to go as far as to carve his name into me?

This cellar bothers me. I hate the way the walls around me feel like they're getting closer, closing in on me. But it could've been worse, could it have been? I'm okay and I'll be able to get out eventually. Perhaps Izana will come to an enlightenment and release me or something.

Am I hoping for too much?

Izana is extremely attractive and I found him really cute and gentle- but now that I'm helplessly rotting away here in a cell purely because of him- I wish we'd never met.

The door creeks open.

"Hello beautiful" The platinum hair-coloured man laughs. "Look who's all over the news!"

Izana shoved his phone in my face which shone an image of me- followed by information which i cared less about. I have no way to escape yet, neither the motivation.

I'm too lazy for it right now, I'm hopeless and tired. I am not entirely scared, at least not yet, but once an escape route peeks through i will bolt away and never turn back without a doubt.

I hope my family is okay, but that would be absolutely stupid to say. They're definitely worried. They just got me back home- and now i'm gone again. However, this time I don't have an option to be back.

I sigh.

"Are you listening to me?"He asks. I'm too scared to reply, but I zoned out.

It's better not to lie to him though..

"I'm sorry, I zoned out..." I reluctantly inform him.

He sharply exhales, softly grabbing my chin rising it, making my eyes come in contact with his. "Y/N Dear, I asked what you would like for lunch and if you wished to be untied."

He seems so different to last night. His mood swings are irritatingly frightening. But I prefer him this way. He's better this way.

"I'm hungry, I'll eat anything..." I pause for a moment, my stomach is aching. "And, please do untie me."

He does just that.

"The room will be done shortly, maybe even later today. Ill go make your food, be right back!" He runs off before I could ask anything.

What's 'The room'?

Izana's Pov.

Kakucho told me to act sweet towards Y/N. He told me that I can't just hurt her and treat her poorly. I must treat her like I love her.

This is why, I'm treating Y/N preciously. Giving her good homemade food and untying her. I'm also making a room for her, for us. It'll ensure she won't escape. Not like she'd want to, I'm a king, of course she'd want me.

Once she's comfortable living in these conditions- I'll join her in the room. We will share the room.

Kakucho also told me not to mess around with any other connections she had such as her family. He told me taking her away was bad enough- But I disagree. I get what I want and she probably wants me too.

Kakucho is just soft hearted.

I'm planning to tell Y/N her family doesn't care about her. I know it's terrible.

I don't give a fuck though.

I will go to the furthest extent for her and it's not like im physically hurting her family.

I notice the Haitani brother's are back. I requested them to bring me some sort of 'evidence' to prove to Y/N that her family doesn't miss her.

It's just a bunch of random pictures of the Matsuno family- excluding her- having fun. To a normal person, this proves nothing. But it'll be different for Y/N. She's fragile right now.

I remind myself, this is all for a good cause.

Once i've finished making her favourite food, I bring the spare phone with the images down to the confinement she's in.

I place the food before her, and to my surprise, she took a bite without even second guessing me.

She's not cautious, she didn't wonder if i had poisoned the food? She trusts me? I hold back a smile. I knew she trusts me!

It didn't take long before she was finished. I watched her the whole time.

"It's actually really" she whispers. I'm glad she liked it. I'm definitely a great cook if Y/N said so.

Now's the time for the 'confession' about her family.

"Y/N, I have devastating news. It may hurt you but I feel like it's crucial you know this. I don't want you to feel disconnected from the rest of the world."

She silently gestures me to continue speaking to her. I slide the phone towards her, Open on all the images.

"Your family seems to have forgotten you exist. If not, they seem happier without you. Look how selfish they are. Even I'm infuriated, why would they treat you in such a way? They should care that you're missing." I put on a fake voice of offence. It worked perfectly.

I look up at her, a tear rolling down her cheek as she sits there still. I walk up to her, one arm around her shoulder, rubbing it as I shush her so she stops crying.

However, she's unresponsive. She didn't even flinch at me for sitting beside her, I got no reaction out of her whatsoever.

But i keep my composure and let her cry out as I attempt to comfort her.

Once again, I restrain back a smirk. It's all going just as how I planned.

King | Obsessive!Izana Kurokawa x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now