(2) XIII - An Alternatively Tragic love

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Chapter 13. (Ending 2- the alternative)

T.W. Mentions of abuse.

Y/N's Pov

Izana and Kakucho have been found guilty of abducting me. After the incident, the police were called to the scene where not only was a case of attempted murder commited, but I - a missing person- has been found. However, Kisaki is dead and his accomplice has fled so there's nothing the police can do about the attempted murder. This means, they're mainly focused on me. (And of course, searching for Hanma)

Izana has been admitted to hospital. Both him and Kakucho survived the gun shots. Kakucho has healed effectively from his incident, but is now on probation until Izana is awake. Once he wakes up, they can face trial in court. The other people involved haven't been caught and will most likely not be either.

I don't want them to be locked away- but there's nothing I can do about it.

I've been having sleepless nights. Lately, the thought of Izana helps me sleep.

On the other hand, I wish I never came home. I'd much rather be with the criminals who abducted me, I preferred and loved them. Once I was taken home after questioning- which I didn't give answers to- I was shouted at by my parents. They called me a whole plethora of insults. As if it was my fault that this all happened!

Chifuyu enlightened me that their unhealthy and toxic arguing habit wasn't only directed to me, and they have been blaming eachother for my disappearance too.

I lock myself in my room, day after day. I don't know how to contact Kakucho. I am not allowed to go out of the house. My parents wont let me. They've got a tight grip around where I am, what I do and everything! Their over protection is not love. My parents don't love me. They tell me that almost everyday.

I'm a literal adult yet they strip me off of every privilege I have. I want to escape this- and this time- I will.

I wake up to a deathly amount of knocking at my door. "Open the fucking door Y/N!" I hear screams on the other side. I look up, the wall displaying 3;32 in the morning. By the noise, I can hear it was my parents. Probably another one of their verbal attacks.

I've been locking the door recently, It's something I grew to find comfortable after spending a lot of time in Izana's room, locked. Or rather, it was our room.

I roll out of bed opening the door, what would they want at this time?

As soon as I open it- I was shoved to the floor.

"You want to lock the door? You don't find us safe !? Why are you so ungrateful!" I felt a ton of palms collide with my face. I reach up to cover myself, and then they begin to hit elsewhere. I was being tossed and shoved all over. This sudden outburst made no sense to me- why is this happening?

I began to panic, and cry curling up as the attacks kept coming.

"Leave her alone!" Chifuyu cries from behind.

But they didn't stop.

Everything fades as I pass out from the shock.

My eyes flutter open, Chifuyu in the corner of my eye. He was attending to my sore body. Looking down at me with pitiful eyes.

"Chifuyu I can't stay here. I'm already mentally tormented. This isn't good for me! It isn't good for me!" I hyperventilate, Chifuyu desperately tries to help me.

"Shhh! Shhh! They'll wake up. Do you know anywhere else safe for you to stay?" I look up at him as he slides a large backpack towards me. "I've already packed you some essential stuff..."

I immediately nod my head. Of course I know where to go...

"Great. Let's get you out of here." We tip-toe through the halls as he silently escorts me to the door of our apartment.

"Listen, Y/N. Please be safe- and text me. I'll tell them you found a new home. They'll probably be relieved to some extent. I don't know why they're so mad at you for. Remember to text and call me, we will met up regularly. Ok? I don't want you completely disappearing again." Chifuyu rapidly speaks, repeating himself over and over.

I pull him for a deep hug. "Will you be okay?" I ask him.

"Yes, of course! I'll keep you informed anyway. "

"If you're okay, then so am I." I smile at him.

"Okay, Okay! Goodnight Y/N! " He giggles as I watch him return home.

I began to sprint, there was nothing for me to run away from yet it still felt necessary. The path of where I should go is embedded into my mind. I knock on the door in a craze.

To my surprise, It actually opens.

He opens the door, His eyes enlarge in shock.


"Kakucho!" I hug him and he hug's me back, I noticed the house-arrest mechanism on his foot but decide not to comment anything about it.

"I'm so glad you're okay. You probably shouldn't be here.."
"Home isn't safe." He doesn't question any further.

He sighs out, as he lets me into the home.

"Look, Y/N." He began "I don't know what will happen to me, or Izana. But I must tell you. Izana loves you very much. I'll make sure everything is okay...for him and for you."

Authors note

See you in part 2 of the book :)

King | Obsessive!Izana Kurokawa x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now