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Chapter 15.

Y/N Pov.

It's been 2 days since Izana had awoken. I was so curious- had so many questions for him. All of them will stay unanswered. At least for now.

The trail will commence tomorrow. Even through I knew the due date, fully aware that this was inevitable, yet I still hoped the day wouldn't come.

My parents are completely unreasonable- ever since I was free they've been harming me for no reason. I don't even remember who they are! They attacked me worse than Izana ever did- and for that he didn't even hurt me to leave scars. Well, apart from the name on my arm he carved in.

In a few hours, the police will come here to take Kakucho (who's currently on probation) away to prepare. I heard they've already investigated this house as soon as I was found. Did they find the first confinement I was put in? I've searched for it multiple times and I couldn't find it myself...

I sigh as I fall back on the bed. It still smells like him.

Is the way I feel wrong? My feelings aren't invalid, right?

I'm petrified. My lawyer,who I didn't even hire myself- the court systems forced me, told me I was not allowed to say anything. He banned me from having my own opinion and such- told me to submit and keep my "foolish mouth glued shut."

I'm extremely convinced that is Illegal. These people exploit and manipulate me for validation in court- thinking I'm weak or some shit. They use my mental state as a way to force me into their submission.

I pretend to comply, faking the poor naive girl they want me to be. "Of course, I won't say anything!" or "I'll leave you to it!" Id whine and cry to them.

But I'm still going to shout out and defend myself- if I somehow can. Or even if I don't feel the need to speak up, then I'll still somehow do it out of spite.

My brain is flooding with so much thoughts, It's all so weird. I turn over on my side, staring at the wall.

Perhaps my codependency towards Izana and even Kakucho have grown too strong. I don't hate it though.

As if on queue, A soft banging rhythm destroyed my brains weird thinking marathon.

"Y/N. may I come in?"

"Go ahead, Kakucho."
I hear him enter right after projecting my voice.

Not short after, I felt a heavy dip behind my back in the bed. I look to the side, confused.

Kakucho spread his arms and legs out, occupying most of the bed, smugly smiling with his eyes closed. I couldn't help but let out a laughed exhale. It's so out of character for him to act so silly.

"This bed is so fucking comfortable, but mines far better" he states his opinion. I roll my eyes in a joke-full manner. "Y/N. Here." He dashes something, falling right before my face on the cushioned pillow.

The sunlight reflected a subtle glow along the top side, it shone deep crimson. A black hill, and a moon in the middle. Izana's hanafuda earring. It was attached to a cold, silver chained necklace.

I jolt up, taking it within' my hands. "Obviously, they took it off while he was in a coma." Kakucho continues "And I figured you'd want one. Probably not to wear on your ear- cops can be very curious you know. I kept the other earring. He's my friend too, so.."

King | Obsessive!Izana Kurokawa x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now