Episode 1: A New Normal Starts Today

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....Shit....What happened to me?...

I push myself up from....wait....Where am I? This is a bed.....but.... Weren't I just next to the statue?....

???: You have awakened. Please exit this room and follow the blue trail on the ground.

Huh? Did....that come through an intercom?

???: Yes it did. Now, follow the line please.

(Y/N): Where am I? What happened to me?

???: You questions will be answered. Please follow the line.

Geez. Guess I don't have a choice. If I want answers, I'll have to do what it says. I get up from the bed and leave the room through the door. I look on the ground and see a glowing blue line across the white floor.

???: Follow the line. Come on. I don't bite. I physically can't.

At least they try to be nice. So I follow the line before getting to a really big room. There are drones and robots all over the place. I look twords the giant contraption at the back of the room. A big robotic head.

???: Greetings. I hope you recovered well. It was a blessing that you were retrieved in time.

(Y/N): Wait, what do you mean? And what are you?

???: Ah, my apologies. I am the contained consciousness of Houka Inumuta. I have shed my physical body years ago. I found out how to fuse flesh with machine. And in turn, I've become immortal.

Woah. No way. This is THAT Inumuta?!

Inumuta: I am also able to detect what you are thinking due to the many sensors in the facility. And yes, I am THE Houka Inumuta.

(Y/N): Okay okay okay. So, where are we? And what happened to me?

Inumuta: To answer your first question, here is a video feed.

Inumuta: To answer your first question, here is a video feed

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A digital screen appeared infront of me. I was expecting to see were on the ground.....but we're not. We're far far from it.

Inumuta: This is my facility I call the Deep Stone Crypt. It is the place we're all robots like me are made. There are many like me roaming around earth. Flesh fused with machine. You may know one of them as Penny-3.

(Y/N): Penny-3?.......Wait, Penny is a robot?

Inumuta: I wouldn't say "Robot". Robots are my workers. I have yet to come up with a word to describe this new race of existence. A machine with an actual soul. People who wanted to start over in life.

Start over? So they were real humans?

Inumuta: Correct. People who had nothing left to lose. Those who wished for a fresh start. Their memories are whipped and they are given a new body. One far different then the one before.

A Normal Life No Longer! Power Of A New Generation! ("Male" Reader x Multiverse)Where stories live. Discover now