Episode 18: Where There's Smoke....

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I kept dragging Alex as we ran from the shrine. I need to tell mom immediately. This is super super bad.

Alex: Hey! Aren't you listening?!

(Y/N): To be honest, I wasn't. Telling my mom is more important.

Alex: But we have to go back! Mom is-

(Y/N): You heard Calli herself. I'm sorry Alex, but your mom was just a puppet.

Alex: No! That can't be! All these years...they couldn't have seen for nothing!

I stop running as I let him go. He gets Infront of me as he was on the brink of tears.

Alex: I know my mom! She isn't like that! I can't just sit around and-

I slap him before he can continue. He held his face as he slowly looked back at me.

(Y/N): I can't prove that those years you've had meant nothing. But you need to realize that it was all just a ploy. A way to blend in and not seem out of place. Who knows what she would do if we just left her be.....We don't know...what would....what could have happened to me. I'm sorry Alex. Truly, I am.

He wipes his eyes with his jacket. I put my hand on his shoulder before continuing to walk. I hear him catch up to me.

Alex: So....what's the plan?

(Y/N): Plan is, we go tell mom about what happened. She'll think of a way to fix this.

We come through the gate as Penny lands Infront of us, her feet breaking the pavement.

(Y/N): Penny, what a surprise. Is mom here right now? We need-

Penny: Friend (Y/N) and friend Alex, I request you duck. Effective immediately.

She held out her hand as it turned into a cannon. We both duck as a green ball went past us. We hear the small explosion. When we turn, we saw Akeno on all fours like some kind of beast. Black liquid coming from her mouth and eyes. Penny keeps shooting but Akeno was faster, dodging them rapidly before jumping at us. Penny dashed Infront of us and released a point blank shot that blew her back.

Akeno landed on her back. Slowly, she got up, half her face blown off. The black liquid morphed and re-grew her face.

Penny: It seems like this is a dangerous enemy. I have already been informed of it's approach by the headmaster. You should get to safety.

(Y/N): Yeah, that was the plan. Come on Alex!

He nods before we start running.

Penny Side

My reticle scrolls through a database before stopping on a profile.

{Devil species: Unknown
Devil class: Unknown
Headmaster Protocol: Terminate anything that threatens the school and the safety of the students.}

My eyes rolled back and got covered with a metal veil. My digital screen appeared as My body started to change modes. My right arm turned into a cannon and my left became a green blade. Wheels appeared below my feet. Missle salvos opened from my back and on my legs.

All combat systems are green.
Reactor Core at full power.

My wheels kick on as I dashed backwards as she leaped at me. I keep moving as she followed with my exact speed. I turned and started blasting her, but she kept in hot pursuit, her body only regenerating. Her arm stretched out to me. I cut it with my blade, only letting her grow a new one.

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