Episode 21: Our Own Adventure Awaits Part 2

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Another day, another planning the trip alone because everyone is busy. But, we managed to get a good group together. So there's me, Megumi, Mako, Penny, Tobi, Tsubaki, Sugar Free, Calli, Alex and Tozumo. Mom still hasn't gotten back to me about that transportation she mentioned. Oh well. We're far from ready to leave anyway. Plus, we still have all this year as well, so it's basically 3 years on the road.

I sigh as I open the door to my room.

???: Welcome back. I was expecting you.

Huh? I look to my window and see someone. Someone new.

 Someone new

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(Y/N): Uhhh.....Who are you?

???: Oh, where are my manners? I am Ophani.


(Y/N): And Im supposed to know that name?

She rolled off the ledge in surprise.

Ophani: What!!? Your telling me you never heard of the Black Dragon of Infinity?!

(Y/N): Black dragon what?

She stands up and grabs my arms. Actually now that I can see her at full height, she only reaches up to my chest.

Ophani: Your the son of Ryuko right?

(Y/N): Wait you know dad?!....Also it's daughter but yes you are correct.

Ophani: Then you have to know about Mother! Right?

(Y/N): Wait.....Mother? But....your not.....no way! Dad didn't-

Ophani: Okay, I know what you might think. No, she didn't cheat. It was a last minute decision that could at least save some knowledge down to the best qualified person. Which happens to be you.

(Y/N): Okay okay okay, you need to explain yourself. Who's your mother? And why are you dad's child? How did you get here? And-

She put her finger to my lips.

Ophani: Like I said, I'll explain. But first, could you grab some snacks? The flight here has me drained.

.....Just who is this chick?


(Y/N): Okay, so let me get this straight. Before dad died, this Ophis person was living inside her because she was her mate. And during dad's dying breath, she gave part of her soul to Ophis. Then, for years she has been on the run until you were made. She gave you the task to come and find me while she was still leading away the Darkness. But, seeing as how I already had a run in with the Darkness, you had to quicken your arrival.

Ophani: And now I'm here. Because I need you to be my mate.

(Y/N): Woah woah woah! Aren't we technically siblings?

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