Episode 16: A Shadow In The Sky

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It was after school the next day. The gang all haven't arrived yet to the club room. So it was just me and Megumi. We we're eating her special bento boxes. I swear, if nobody else shows up, I'm eating the rest of these myself. I'm starving here and-

Megumi: Hey. Is it weird to say you have child bearing hips?



(Y/N): .....Megumi what the fuck?

I put down the empty box and walk to the mini fridge.

Megumi: What? Am I wrong?

(Y/N): Yes. Yes it is. Dude, you know I'm still a guy right?

Megumi: Yeah. So? You look like a girl.

I sigh and bend down to look in the fridge.

(Y/N): Alright, now where is my-Aww what?!

I pull out the empty bottle that has a sticky note on it.

"Sorry (Y/N)! But I was really thirsty. Cool smoothy by the way! Although, I'm not a fan of pineapple. -Mako"

I crush the bottle before throwing it across the room. Luckily it goes into the trash can.

(Y/N): I'm gonna ring Mako like a wet towel when I see her!!

I sigh and sit back down and put a hand on my face.

Megumi: .....Do you mind if I can suck one of your tits?


(Y/N): Megumi, it was one kiss! ONE SHORT KISS!! The fuck is going on with you today?

Megumi: I'm sorry but...I just couldn't get you out of my head. Is that wrong? My mind has been all over the place. I couldn't even keep focused in class. I just-

(Y/N): Shush. Just shut up. Look, if we're gonna make things work some how, you have to let it go. Maybe-

.....Huh? Something just passed by the sun....what the....!!! No! Don't tell me!

(Y/N): !! I-I'll be right back! Just....Uhh....Have to go to the restroom real quick!

Before Megumi can speak I run out of the room and twords the roof. When I get up there, I close the door behind me and frantically look around.

My eyes couldn't have been lying. It was a pyramid. I look past the fence and see something blink in and out in the distance. Only for a moment, I saw it. The pyramid.

Okay, think. The pyramids are here. What do I do? Think think think.....

....Ugh. I'm going over to it. I pull my ribbon and transform. I make some pink wings on my back and fly over the fense and twords the pyramid. I pull out my phone and call Tozumo.

Tozumo: What's up sis? Don't worry, we'll be at the club-

(Y/N): Sorry sis, but this isn't about that. I'll be back in a bit.

Before she can respond, I hang up and put it back in my pocket. I see a orange light quickly shine on it. Then, an orange beam was heading my way. I can quickly move out the way, but one of my wings got hit, sending me twords the ground. As I'm falling, I make a ball around myself and that protects me from the fall. As my momentum slows, I lower the sphere and catch my breath. That was close.

I stand up and look at my outfit. It isn't ruined, so that's good. I make my wings again and start flying......and start flying.....Huh?

Huh?! My wing! It's still damaged?! Does their power counter mine? !!!

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