Episode 19: ....There is Frost

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We all watched as Mother walked outside. She stood on top of the fountain.

(Y/N): What is she doing?

Koneko: Just watch. You'll be impressed.

We kept watching. The water in the fountain slowly started to freeze. Penny was thrown into the fountain, breaking it slightly. The creatures circled the fountain.

Megumi: There's five of them. Can she really take them all on?

I'm about to pull my ribbons when Mom put her hand on my arm.

Koneko: You should have faith in your mother. She told you to stay inside.

(Y/N): But even Penny is having trouble. And Penny can do anything!

She just shakes her head.

Koneko: Watch.

Tozumo put her hand on my shoulder.

Tozumo: Let's just believe in her.

I sigh and let go of my ribbon and keep watching. Those creatures look to be preparing something. One of them jumps at Mom. But, as she did, a busrt of white came from her. It spreads. It then hits the windows. More so, it hits the school, causing it to shake and tremble.

The temperature suddenly dropped. I can see my breath in the air.

Mako: What just happened?

Mom walked up to the glass and punched it. A big crack. She pulled her arm back again, this time covering it in a blue aura. This time she shattered it. When the smoke cleared, we all got closer. And it was unbelievable. The whole school was covered in ice.

Mako: Woah! I didn't know your mom could do this!

Tozumo: Yeah. That's amazing.

I looked down and saw that half of mom's hair had turned a pure white. The shadows were all frozen solid. Penny wasn't frozen even though she was in close proximity.

I'm the first to jump down. As I did I used my powers to make wings and slow my fall. I kept my wings active and flew twords her as she got down from the Frozen fountain.

(Y/N): Mom!

She turned to me. She was out of breath.

Sonia: Oh. I...I thought I said to stay inside...Sorry. Just need to catch my breath.

She sits down as her white hair slowly returned to her grey color. Penny stood up as all her weapons started to return to her body.

(Y/N): Penny. Are you alright?

Penny: All systems are still operational. I'll have to return to father for repairs.

As she turned to me, I saw that her face was ripped off. Not only that, but she had green fluids leaking from parts of her. Her left eye was out of socket and was also leaking green and black fluids.

(Y/N): Woah! You really got beat up.

Penny: This is only a wound in this body. But my spirit is forever unharmed.

She put her eye back into place, causing me mentally cringe.

(Y/N): So, what do we do now?

Sonia: Well, first we need to let the school......Thaw first. But, about these things, we'll send them to Inumuta.

Penny: Father would like to experiment on them. See what makes them multiply so easily.

There was a big crash sound behind us. We looked back and saw other mom braking down the school doors to let everyone out.

Mako: Headmaster! That was so wicked!! When could you do that?

Mom laughs while standing up.

Sonia: I've been able to do this for years. Never had to use it recently. I'm definitely rusty.

Koneko: Rusty? This doesn't look rusty to me.

Sonia: Oh please. This is nothing.

Tozumo: Okay but still, that's rad! Can I do that too?

Sonia: Sorry sweetie, but my powers are one of a kind.

Tozumo: Aw man.

Alex: So, what now Headmaster? The school's....well...

She looks to the students that are gathered at the entrance. She walked past us to address them.

Sonia: Kuoh Academy will temporarily take a temporary break to....clean up. And fix up.

She looked at other mom. She just shrugged.

Sonia: For now, all of you enjoy this time off. But, stay vigilant. Even though Kuoh is safe now, this is only temporary. More danger could appear at any moment. It'll be up to you to protect the very fabric of our society. Do you understand?

All: Yes Headmaster!

She turned around to face us.

Sonia: Same to you all. I can't see you slacking.

(Y/N): Don't worry. Knowing what you can do, I have a higher levels to reach now.

Tozumo: Yeah! I'll learn my own ice magic! Then you'll have to teach me!

Alex: I need to know more about what took over my mother. I won't stop until I get my revenge!

Mako: I don't really know what to say but I'm in!

She smiles before jumping back onto the fountain.

Sonia: Then, I now dismiss you all!

With that, everyone took their leave with excitement. I joined with my friends and lead the pack.

It's only going uphill from here!

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