Episode 22: Developing Darkness

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Walking downstairs, I stretch and let out a yawn. I walk into the kitchen and sit down and lay my head on the table.

Calli: Not enough sleep?

(Y/N): Yeah.....Super exhausted.

Toby: Well, be prepared to cheer up! A Toby special.

She places a cup Infront of me, steam coming from it. I take it by the handle and blow to cool it off a bit before taking a sip.

(Y/N): .....!!!....This is...really really good! What is it?

Toby: Strawberry tea! Something I sold on the truck. Sells out fast.

(Y/N): It's amazing. Could you show me how you do it?

Toby: Sorry. Trade secrets.

Theria: Morning everyone....

(Y/N): Morning Theria. Still tired?

Theria: Yeah. Training was rough.

Her foot missed a step and she starts to fall forward. Calli is quickly there to prevent her fall.

Theria: ???

Calli: Be more careful. I'm not always going to be able to save your ass.

Theria: Thank you Calli!

She immediately let's go of her nightgown, letting her fall face first.

Calli: Maiden Calliope.

Theria: S-sorry.

Sugar: This is an abusive relationship.

Calli: This is not a relationship. And it's not abusive.

Toby: Your interactions say otherwise. Strawberry tea? Or would you like vanilla?

Calli: Coffee. Black. Three teaspoons of brown sugar.

Toby: Fucking freak.

Calli: Reaper actually.

Sugar: Freaper.

Toby: Awww man~. So we-

Before he could start singing, she slaps the back of his head.

Toby: Oww! Hey! What was that for?!

Calli: It's to early for you to be singing.

She sits down and turns on the TV.

[Reporter:  In recent news, a Black triangle has suddenly appeared in Mo-Jurita! It showed up over night with no sign of leaving. The government has tried many different scenarios to try and get it to move, yet all have failed. What could have happened to make this thing appear? Is it hostile? More questions at 11.]

(Y/N): Uh oh.

Theria: Is that bad?

(Y/N): Very. And we're headed there.

Calli: Didn't you want to lay low?

(Y/N): Yeah. But now they have a pyramid in a place I'm not even at yet. This thing is dangerous. It could turn hostile any second.

I stand up and walk to the front. I open the door and walked up to Penny and tapped her.

(Y/N): Penny. Penny.

Her eyes start turning from a night sky to a rising sun. She blinks a few times before they turn back to their emerald green.

Penny: Morning friend (Y/N)! I am fully charged! What can I do for you?

(Y/N): Get us to Mo-Jurita. As fast as possible.

Penny: Right away! Disengaging Autopilot. Continuing full speed to Mo-Jurita!

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