Episode 14.5: A Battle Finally Concluded...

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Pain flows through my body as I feel myself coming back to feeling my body. I slowly open my eyes and begin to struggle from the fragments of the wall around me.

The arena is silent as I slowly stand up. A pain shot through my leg and made me fall to my knees. I look down and see some rubble stuck in my leg. I get back to my feet and drag my leg along to get to the other side of the arena.

When I get closer, I see Tsubaki slowly waking up as well. As her eyes opened, she looked up at me.

Tsubaki: ....So....You want to gloat or something? Then go ahead. Make me feel worse then I already am.

I smile before reaching out my hand to her. She looked at it before back up at me.

(Y/N): We've been rivals for how long now? 3? 4 years? I never had any hard feeling twords you, and yet you never gave me a chance because I was powerless. Don't you think it's time to make a change?

She kept looking at me before she slowly started to stand up, using her blade's sheath to lean on.

Tsubaki: .....Heh. You really are delusional.....But....I see now that you stand on a higher pedestal then me.

She looked down at my hand before raising her arm.

Tsubaki: I....I guess.....To.... friendship?

My smile gets bigger as she takes my hand.

(Y/N): To a new friendship.

As we joined hands, the crowd erupted.

Koneko: The winner is (Y/N) Matoi!!

I look across to everyone as confetti started to fall.

Tsubaki: Matoi. Why don't we start over? From the beginning.

(Y/N): Well... were do I begin?

She chuckled before a smile came to her face.

Tsubaki: Then let me start.....Hello. I am your new classmate, Tsubaki Kiryuin. Pleased to meet you.

(Y/N): It's nice to meet you. I'm (Y/N) Matoi. I hope we can get along.

I feel the wind blow through my hair and a tingle feeling touched the back of my neck. I look to the sky, knowing who was watching over me.

(Y/N): Now, let's get to the infirmary. We look terrible.

She looked at herself before looking at me.

Tsubaki: We? I'm sure you mean you. You have a rock in your leg.

(Y/N): Your eye is swollen. Don't talk to me about something being wrong.

She gets closer to my face. I in turn her closer to her. We glare at eachother for a while before we slowly start to share a laugh and walking out of the arena.




???: General. You must have a reason to come here.

???2: Your greatness, I must inform you, but we have-

???: Still haven't found the source of that energy?

???2: Uhhmm......well, no. We haven't. But-

???: If it's not about finding that energy source, then I do not care. That energy reading was massive, yet we have no source of it.

The person walks up to a wall of water as it slowly split to reveal the endless space.

But not just space.

A fleet. An army.

The person then turn around and looks to her minion.

The person then turn around and looks to her minion

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???: Find that energy source. At all cost. And I better not see any failure.

The general nods before they vanished in an orange light.

The woman then turns back and looks out into space.

???: .....I feel like I've done this already to no avail......

A Normal Life No Longer! Power Of A New Generation! ("Male" Reader x Multiverse)Where stories live. Discover now