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Ravenstar waited, his patience beginning to wear... he grew nervous, if a "lotus" needed to seek shelter and heal things... a disaster must be approaching.

The ebony tom began to seek the comforting oasis of his own den, inviting no cat in except for important matters. His mate and many kits were not even welcomed. He yearned for the lotus now, anxiety growing... What if they would not arrive in time?

"Raven..." Called out a calming voice, it was his partner, Ivorywhisker, "Let me groom you, at least. We need not speak, my dear."

"Fine." It was all Ravenstar responded with.

In entered a cat with curly fur, chocolate brown fur and a white undercoat. Their eyes bright green though, giving them a charming and beautiful aurora. Ravenstar could not help but always be struck not only by Ivory's beauty but compassionate, yet sorrowful, nature. Ivory seemed to always have a sadness deep within, and somehow while it disturbed Raven it made them all the more elegant.

They sat down, staring back at their lover for a moment before moving to groom the toms neck. He could barely relax, yet the soothing motion still made his eyes finally shut and rest for a moment.

Ravenstar finally sighed, "I wait so patiently for chaos... I cannot live my life like this. Yet, it is so hard to focus on... anything anymore."

"You must be grieving," Ivorywhisker guessed, "I know Smokewhistle was important to you and our clan. But she would not want this."

"Fetch me the priest and the nurses. I want help," His eyes glossed over with dispair, "I want to love you again." He never told Ivory how he had fallen out of affection due to all his worrying, but Ivory was not upset.

"If you do not even after, do not worry. We will always love the memories we share." They nuzzled into Ravenstar's throat, having not much more to say.

Ivory finally got up, leaving to go seek out the help Ravenstar needed. Ravenstar had finally admitted his self-desctruction, but he was determined to cure it... or at least cope.

The Gravity of Destiny: Warriors Short Chapter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now