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Xe explained the flower xe saw to Cotton'nose, who agreed they should avoid it until the priests' gathering. At the gathering, the others said they'd try to research it. And that was that. So, as per usual, Lotuspaw decided to sneak away to see Sneezepaw tonight.

Lotuspaw had finally gotten to the tree she and Sneezepaw met up at but something was off. The air was thick and filled Lotuspaw with anxiety. Sneezepaw seemed to be deeper in thought than her usual self.

"Sneeze...?" Lotuspaw asked, though didn't get much of a response.

Finally she looked up at Lotuspaw to speak, "Lotuspaw..." She started, her voice cracking with anxiety, "Lotus," The cats both got tenser until finally Sneezepaw whispered, "I'm dying."

Xer eyes got wider and xer jaw dropped. Lotuspaw and Sneezepaw were the best of friends, they meant everything to one another... To be fair, Lotuspaw was so unsure how xe felt about Sneeze. At first, they were just best friends and Sneeze looked so much like Falcon. Now, Lotuspaw felt like Sneezepaw looked like Sneezepaw; beautiful.

Sneezepaw was intelligent, honorable, determined. Sneezepaw was a true warrior. Albeit, a little naive, she trusted too easily. But it didn't matter anymore.

Sneezepaw had no life to live with Lotuspaw anymore.

Lotuspaw felt her mouth go dry as the desert around them. It took her a moment to finally talk.

"You can't!" Lotuspaw wailed, voice cracking yet loud like thunder.

Sneezepaw looked away for a moment before taking a deep breath and looking back up to explain, "I have the disease... It'll be a while but eventually my organs will begin to shut down."

Lotuspaw looked baffled and backed up from Sneezepaw slowly, staring at the brown she-cat with shock and horror and fear and anger and grief... Xe wasn't sure how to feel.

"Wait- wait, please don't leave me!" Sneezepaw cried, and only now did Lotuspaw smell the rancid breath.. The smell of Sneeze dying, rotting from the inside out.

"I- I can't get sick, I'm a priestess trainee!"

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