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It seemed Ravenstar took his mind off the situation by more frequently spending time hunting and story telling, however when he received the news from Smogbreath he was more than just thrilled, he was overjoyed, ecstatic.

"Ravenstar, please, calm yourself... I believe Lotuspaw will do great things, but she still is just a trainee... And one fighting her own battles."

Ravenstar sighed, "I understand, Smogbreath, Moonclan warned me not to be pushy... I won't be like that again, I swear," He nodded to signal his promise, "But please, at some point a true priestess must train her?"

"At some point, yes... Xe has to learn more than even me, but first let me teach xer the basics." Smogbreath sighed, "Xe needs someone to raise xem, to support xem- Lotuspaw isn't ready to leave me."

"Are they ever ready?"

"No. But there will be a time she'll know how to support herself, even if it requires help."

Ravenstar smiled, "I trust you, Smogbreath. As a parent and a mentor."

"Thank you, but I don't need your trust. I need Lotuspaw's."

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