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It took a night but Lotuspaw realized why Smogbreath said something like that. It just bothered her that they'd say it in front of everyone else, especially cats from other clans.

Lotuspaw sighed out, "Smogbreath."

"Yes, dear?"

"I'm sorry I said that, but could you not scold me infront of.... Everyone?" She muttered.

"I had to teach you..." Smogbreath answered honestly, "But I'm sorry I made a scene."

"... Thank you." Lotuspaw appreciated that Smog at least understood xer.

With that Lotuspaw got up and sat next to Smogbreath, leaning into their hairless warmth comfortably. Smogbreath couldn't help but begin to hum a song their mother sung, putting Lotuspaw into a deep trance.

But suddenly she sat up, and looked at Smogbreath, dead in the eyes. Smog couldn't help but claw their claws deep into the soil, a nervous habit it had.

"I want to begin priestess training."

The Gravity of Destiny: Warriors Short Chapter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now