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A/N: I AM SO SORRY FOR THE UPDATE ON THE SCHEDULE EVERY 2 DAYS... But I have twenty chapters done already I kinda wanna start posting more often.

"Your it, Lotuspaw!" Lilypaw cried out, tapping the she-cat before hastily bounding off.

Falconpaw giggled, bouncing around effortlessly while Lotuspaw tried to tap her with her paw.

"Can't catch me!" The brown tabby playfully hollered.

However, the light-hearted teasing ended when Lotuspaw touched the tip of Falcon's tail. Falconpaw was almost never caught, it was as if the young molly was always full of enegery, as if bees carried her and that's why she always shook and sprung around so easily.

The she-cat cheered, "Your it!"

Falconpaw gasped, stunned. Lilypaw sprung his head up, mouth agape. However, both of them suddenly smiled.

"You did it, Lotus!" Falconpaw praised.

Lotuspaw began to flex her legs, letting the cheers get to head quickly, "Yeah... Guess I did. I mean... I TOTALLY expected that cause I'm y'know.. Awesome."

Lilypaw rolled his eyes before playfully batting his sister with his paw, "Don't get too cheeky now." He said it with a toothy smile, however his advice was genuine.

She smiled, playfully and gently tackling her brother causing Falconpaw to quickly join in with pouncing at Lotus. Their tussel was ended though when Falconpaw's mentor, Swiftbreeze, walked up to the pile.

"Falconpaw," The cold, feminine voice called out.

Immediately the apprentices stopped and stood straight. It was Falconpaw who spoke though, her siblings silent and their eyed glittering with curiosity.

"Yes, Swiftbreeze?" She asked, looking calm and professional, just as she waa taught to be.

"We must train more." She announced, and with that she and Falconpaw left quickly.

Lilypaw and Lotuspaw grew bored without their spunky sister, so headed over to talk to the other apprentices. There was Grainpaw, an only kit, and then Whirlpaw and his sister, Dandelionpaw.

They chatted for a while before Falconpaw returned, but her expression was petrified.

"The river has run dry!" Swiftbreeze boomed.

Every cat tensed. Wide-eyed, mouth open and dry. Some began to tear up with grief or shake their heads in denial. The river NEVER runs dry, in fact it causes floods every year. What has caused such a catastrophe? Have they angered the ancestors?

The Gravity of Destiny: Warriors Short Chapter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now