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"SHE IS THE HEALER!" Ravenstar screamed, his claws coming un-sheathed as so did his stability.

Smogbreath snarled back, its tone filled with rage, "She needs to rest, to heal herself or she may never show true compassion again!"

Ravenstar tugged his claws from the soil they were once embedded and raised it high, but the grey feline was hasty. They had grabbed Ravenstar and pinned the brute down, filled with strength only Moonclan could send to such a thin cat.

"She will know when its time, have patience!" They spat into Ravenstars face, but instead of the tom turning savage he calmed.

"Moonclan told me-"

"Moonclan told you nothing of when! She needs shelter first, let her grow!"

The feline then leapt off gracefully, their elegant walk and face laced with a sort of mysterious threat to the leader. He only watched as they disappeared to go care for Lotuspaw, Ivorywhisker walking forth.

"My dear," Ivorywhisker sat down beside him to lick his ear, "The nurse speaks truth. The kit needs to regain her mental health before she can even begin to comprehend such responsibility."

"As do I..." He answered, full of self-pity, "As do I."

"Then listen to the nurses, they are only helping."

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