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Cotton'nose looked confused but at this point decided she didn't even care to know. But she knew who did; Smogbreath. So that's were Lotuspaw went and told them.

The slender felines head whipped around, looking astonished at Lotuspaw.

"Why? Where will you go?! You have to cure the cats!" While these were all genuine concerns... It'd miss Lotuspaw. They wanted xe to stay.

But the flash of hope and determination in Lotuspaw's eyes told Smogbreath there was no going back.

Lotuspaw moved close and wrapped their tail around the feline, "I must take the herb and cure these lands. I will travel far and wide; I will love and I will loose. But I will heal and one day I'll come back for you all."

Smogbreath couldn't help but frown as if they'd sob, whispering, "You can't leave me... I love you. I never had kits..."

Lotuspaw smiled warmly and comfortingly before grabbing the herb and putting it in Smogbreath's paws, "I believe in you. Heal the clans for me so one day I may come back here a hero... and you'll still be here."

Smogbreath could only shake their head; they didn't want Lotuspaw to leave. Not yet. But it gave Smogbreath a hint of pride. They'd raise this cat and now they were leaving... Leaving to begin their life.

Smogbreath tried to change the subject even, "What do you want to call this herb? You discovered it."

"We'll call it..." She looked at the herb, watching it's vibrant purple petals glisten in even small contact with light, "A somberglow."

Smogbreath breathed out heavily, "What a pretty name..."

Lotuspaw nodded.

Smogbreath looked up, "Speaking of names... Before you go we do have to finish your priest ceremony, at least." While it was an excuse for Lotuspaw to stay longer, it was true.

"I don't think I'll leave yet, I do want to finish my training and I... Have unfinished business. I just thought I'd tell you first."

"We better take you back to Cotton'nose then."

"I have one more thing to do..." Lotuspaw said, looking towards the patient den.

The Gravity of Destiny: Warriors Short Chapter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now