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Some cats stared with amazement or even judgement at Cotton'nose. While the decision itself usually is something no one would question coming from a priestess, it was so brash.

"Come, now, Lotuspaw..." Cotton said with a dominance in her voice to which Lotuspaw would not deny before whispering to Lotuspaw nervously, "I need help with Beepaw."

Lotuspaw blinked before making a blank face full of a given up expression, "That's why you need me so bad?"

The priestess rolled her eyes dramatically, "Of course not! Just thought you could be of some use to me."

Lotuspaw blinked before calmly yet intimidatingly stating, "You may want to rephrase that."

"Really now?" The priestess huffed, a mere trainee asking for her respect? Yet she remembered this was technically her trainee, "Fine. My apologies, you're very useful to all of Duneclan." Though it sounded sarcastic, Lotuspaw took it anyway.

Lotuspaw proudly smiled before turning back to conversate with the other cats about the flower, stating that there was no danger to eating the whole thing but the petals seemed to have a positive effect. The cats also decided that it should be Smogbreath and Lotuspaw that continue the researching, it was their idea and they should have credit.

After that, they disbanded and left to their own camps. When they got back to camp, it was determined Lotuspaw should rest so she could forage more thoroughly tomorrow and begin her own research. However, this was only after training which would include another lesson.

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