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Since sun-high, the two had been working on testing. They started slow and minimal, out of fear mostly.

Eventually, Lotuspaw decided to stay with Smogbreath instead of finishing her training. They kept researching; they gave more flower to the infected prey, even different parts of the flower. They even tried different time spans.

Mostly, it had no affect. Except for when they used flower petals - based off what they could assume was the weight of the animal.

That night they needed to share their success, immediately.

The cats all sat down and the Duneclan priestess looked around like she was to speak first. Immediately though, Smogbreath started.

"I hate to interrupt any other important news but... Me and Lotuspaw made a discovery."

The cats all shared looks with their clan-mates, except Cotton'nose who stared at Smogbreath,

"Then she is to come to Duneclan now, her training has been halted for nearly two extra moons." Cotton'nose was very bitter and stern sounding; she felt she was too old to still be training a 'paw.

Smogbreath shot Cotton'nose a scowl though before continuing, "We may have more research to do based on what we agree on. Calm yourself, Cotton'nose. She can always be trained to a different priest."

Cotton'nose looked offended, bewildered even, that a lowly nurse without a priest to guide them would dare speak against someone who communicate with the ancestors.

But Smogbreath spoke before she could add a rebuttal, "We want to begin trial on cats now. This is where Lotuspaw can return to Duneclan. Xe'll continue training while properly showing you the cure."

The cats muttered... It seemed to risky to trial on cats. It was wrong, cruel even, to test on something with such a  conscious.

But Cotton'nose was so eager to have Lotuspaw return that she spoke without second thought,


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