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It seemed a miracle had happened when Vineclan found Lotuspaw's scent but the nurses demand no one bother the trainee until she has been evalulated. They recognized something must be wrong for her to run off like that.

The nurses spoke intently, trying to find the best way to kindly approach the cat. All while Ravenstar grew impatient as more cats grew ill, he'd even realize some prey was ill as well... So this wasn't a disease exclusive to felines, it likely spread to all mammals.

The nurses decided one nurse should go, their name Smogbreath. It was a scrawny feline with blue eyes, draped delicately with wrinkly grey skin; fur tufts only around around the neck and chest, like a mane.

The cat had arrived to where the smell of cat was strong, however stepped cautiously. Not because there was enemy clans, rather the worry that anything could lurk even in the jungles like this.


The juvenile perked up, stirring in their den but refusing to leave or respond. She seemed shocked someonr had come for her, someone who had known her... However, upon realizing they were Vineclan had been filled with bitterness.

"Lotuspaw, I don't believe in fate..." The cat started, though Lotuspaw did not know where they where going, "I don't believe you should do any job you do not desire because some dead cat says so..." Lotuspaw was still spiteful though grew interested, "But at least let me help you, I believe you belong with Vineclan."

"If you see no future in me, then why do I belong?" She spat, her words held wisdom and truth that shocked the nurse.

But then they smiled, "You must have arrived in our camp for a reason, whether you believe it's a reason you chose or the ancestors did."

Lotuspaw thought. She did not think much of Vineclan. They were respected warriors, they lurked the jungles of which tigers and elephants occupied and they followed Moonclan, who was said to be the more logical of the ancestors. She could not find a reason to stay in Vineclan and not find another clan, yet... She did not find one not to? She had to stay to at least get help.

"You promise me you won't force me to do anything?"

"Other than trainee duties?" They joked but sounded sympathetic, "Yes, I promise." The cat sounded honest.

"Take me to Vineclan then though I wish not to speak of any prophecy."

They purred as the apprentice emerged from the frail den, "Of course."

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