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Ravenstar sat comfortably, surrounded by his children and kin as he'd share stories of his greatest endeavour; The Great Battle of Eclipseclan.

When the four clans had angered their ancestors by mistreating a group of she-cats, Moonclan and Sunclan merged together to form Eclipseclan. At the time, Ravenstar was just a mere paw. However, he left Vineclan to join the ancestors to protect the assault victims. Because of this, Ravenstar was promised by the ancestors he would be leader one day due to his just beliefs and brave actions.

He knew not how but why, as only two moons after being a warrior, he was deputy. And when he was leader, he made a rule to protect those who face such tragdey and hardship as the she-cats.

However, something interrupted the chattering between him and his family. A whail of fear, perhaps even agony, ripped through the camp entrance were a skinny, short-haired white-furred adolescent had been crying for help. Her eyes were wide with fear and her body was frail, weak even. She had almost no hope left.

Ravenstar alongside his lover, Ivorywhisker, immediately ran up to her, attempting to calm her down.

"Dear," Ivorywhisker started as they gently sat the trainee down, "What happened?"

Ravenstar called over the prietess and a trio of nurses, in hopes their knowledge in mental health would be of value.

"My clan, Rushclan, our river is gone! They are almost all dead, only a few survivors remain and they abandoned me." She yowled out for the whole clearing, "I beg for mercy, let me join your ranks!"

Few cats sneered and chuckled mockingly, even invalidating her clans hardships. However, Ravenstar looked with pure empathy.

The brutish tom walked forward and asked, "What is your name?"

"Lotuspaw." She answered.

His, the priest, and Ivorywhisker's eyes all widened in shock. They dare not tell the paw her fortune though.

"Of course," Ravenstar answered, "You will be apprenticed shortly."

The next few weeks, cats noticed Lotuspaw's odd behaviors. She was silent, depressed, had many nightmares, stress ate, and constantly had mood-swings. She was not normal, none of the other trainees liked her.

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