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So the three remaining priests, their nurses, and only four trainees, including Lotuspaw, would visit every night.

The other trainees were Fernpaw, Crowpaw, and Beepaw. Fernpaw was light-hearted, humorous but responsibile and knew when to be mature. Crowpaw was intelligent and rational, yet nearly the opposite of Fernpaw; he sharp-tongued, hateful, and gossipy. Beepaw was quiet, stern, and anxious as if worried how they'd come off. 

The first night it seemed they all got to know eachother and then the few nights after had gotten nowhere. None of them could even think of a cure. Lotuspaw grew frustrated; she didn't want to risk harming any patients but they were already dying without medicine... It was her only thought. But even so; with what herbs?

Her anger seemed to show with the way she stared at the ground, her body stiff and her fur bristled. As she just searched the ground, when she was searching her mind for answers.

Crowpaw looked over and snarled, "What's your problem? You got better ideas?"

Lotuspaw snapped her head up to him, she had already disliked him but now he was just being rude.

"Crowpaw, remember what I told you." His priest eas calm but spoke with authority, even intimidation.

"What?" He sounded innocent and confused at first but suddenly spat, "I'm just asking her!"

The priest shot a death glare, making his nurses begin to speak in defense of Crowpaw. It seemed he was different like Lotuspaw, but she still disliked him..  She couldn't understand why he was the way he was, so that must've meant there must be no reason of it... Right?

Then, they took Crowpaw home when he threw a tantrum.

"What a piece of fox-dung." Lotuspaw said out loud, mostly to Smogbreath.

But Smogbreath gave Lotuspaw a similar look to the priest moments again, "He has some sort of unknown behavioral issues, he wasn't purposely acting like that," He explained but then turned to scold her, "You should try to be more sympathetic, especially as my trainee."

Lotuspaw looked ashamed now, her blood boiling. And stopped talking to Smogbreath the rest of the day. She didn't want to make a scene like Crowpaw but it seemed it was all she was doing when the nurses began to talk.

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