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Lotuspaw walked into the patients den, looking around with caution. The cats around her coughed and wheezed; even with a cure it somewhat felt the plague would never end. At least, not with this many patients.

She finally landed her eyes on Sneezepaw, who unfortunately was quite far along with the illness but...  there was hope, even if false. Lotuspaw walked up to her and groomed her shoulder lightly.

The sickly cat was so fragile and weak, it was hard just lifting her head up . Even though they fed and hydrated the patients well, this sickness ate them from the inside out.

"I'm so glad your still here..." Lotuspaw soothingly cooed, but Sneezepaw was bitter.

She grumbled in a nasty, obviously congested, voice, "I wish I wasn't! Lotuspaw, I'm dying from the inside out!"

Lotuspaw looked shocked before shouting with pain in her voice, "Don't say that! I found a cure, we are gonna help you!" How could Sneezepaw had already given up?!

Sneezepaw cried despite all the snot and tears already along her face, "I heard what you said!" Lotuspaw lookes confused, "Your gonna leave me, leave us all!"

Patients around them began to perk their ears, as if curious. Some even looked worried. But their faces were crusty, it was hard to see who was leaving.

Lotuspaw shook her head, "I found a cure, you'll be healed so I may come back and... Sneezepaw, I-"

"That's not even my name anymore," She coldly answered before wailing, "You've been gone for so long!"

"Well, what is it then?"


"How cute!" Lotuspaw chirped, making Sneezenose give her a rude side-eye, "Well then, Sneezenose... I love you."

Sneezenose couldn't help but feel her throat constrict, as if she was about to cry. She'd waited so long for those words.

"Lotus, promise me... you'll come back to me. Come back to me and be my... My mate."

Lotuspaw smiled but shook her head, "Go on without me. I will see the world, I want you to see it too."

Sneezepaw sniffled, "But I love you, Lotus!" She cried out, "I have always loved you."

"So, do me a favor and love yourself, love life. Enjoy it."

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