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The next morning after Lotuspaw got well deserved rest, xe and Smogbreath went to investigate the flower.

What did this entail? The two felines were quite unsure.

But Lotus pointed out how new flowers were growing. The two watched what animals came near the flower from the bushes; it seemed that many animals were just as intrigued as they.

"How do we discover a new herb?" Lotuspaw asked.

Smogbreath shrugged, "It's a lot of testing... I suppose we could collect other infected animals but that seems cruel too."

Lotuspaw thought for a moment before shaking her head, "It's immoral but really it's our best shot... Besides, we can't even eat them anyway when they're infected, we should make use of them."

Smogbreath had to agree but it couldn't help but feel like it was just an unkind thing to do.

"Fine, go search for some infected animals and I'll harvest a few flowers." Smogbreath gave in though.

Immediately Lotuspaw nodded, running off to as instructed.

I don't support animal testing for any product honestly, however these are literally cats; they basically don't really have scientific research other than this.

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