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The silver, shining moon reflected off each cats pelt making them all blend into a blurr of cool lighting against a variety of pelts that shimmered with its own unique tint; mainly browns, beiges, and whites however.

Ravenstar followed by Smogbreath, Lotuspaw, Sneezepaw, his captain, and three soldiers traveled down into the large area that seemed to sink into the Earth, making a sandy dune that shelteted them from the sight of predators. Mainly people. Cats from other clans began to grow familar and converse because generally they showed no hostility; especially not at a gathering.

Lotuspaw watched as Ravenstar climbed up the desert rocks and sat beside the other two leaders, who curiously looked... They still awaited Rushclan.

"I call upon silence!" Ravenstar called out.

"But Rushclan has not arrived?" A pristine and slim cream feline, Featherstar, asked calmly, though it was filled with an undertone full of suspicion.

"Exactly why I call the gathering to order."

Savannahclan and Duneclan looked to one another with great curiousity, even concern, but nodded to let Ravenstar speak.

"I deeply apologize for cutting our conversation time short, but this is urgent. Rushclans river ran dry, so while Duneclan may find new water resources... Rushclan was unable to."

Cats looked shocked, and even wanted to interrogate Ravenstar, but he continued before they could say anything.

"A Rushclan survivor has come to us, and says any other survivors departed... While the rest of her clan did not make it."

More cats seemed to be even more shocked... All of Rushclan gone, just like that? Within weeks?!

Ravenstar continued, "We also have unfortunately lost many cats to a new illness, which I'm sure has spread to you by now... Shrewstar, it is your turn."

The cat stood elegantly, with confidence and sureness in herself, "I must say unfortunately the same has happened to Savannahclan. I realize now our increase in captives must be Rushclan survivors." The leader stated before looking to the next, "Featherstar."

The next cat was scrawny and thin, yet they had an aurora of dominance, "Unfortunately, it has strucken Duneclan. We have new kits often, however we also have a sinisterly similar amount of death." He said nothing more, as if not to overshare but the air around him hung heavy... There was a cat important to him who died.

Ravenstar looked over, "Than I say we admit our weaknesses and ask for help. We shall come together as does our ancestors in time of need. We may remain our own clans but I think it should be agreed upon some new form of alliance."

"What are you suggesting exactly?"

"I ask you not to share prey, or land, or kits. I ask you to share herbs, knowledge, and let all our priests, nurses, and those training to join together at certain time to find a cure during this period."

The other leaders seemed relieved. They had no healthy prey to share, what they felt they needed was land. So they were lucky all they were sharing was plants for research. The leaders both nodded, looking determined to defeat this plague.

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