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"Can you... Can you not just call me a she?" Lotuspaw said when the nurse walked in.

"Oh? Of course, should've told me sooner," They sat down and smiled, "I personally use it or they. You?"

"I wanna try xe and xem... Alongside she. A clan-mate in Rushclan had come up with it and I like it."

"Of course, I understand," They flicked their tail to curl around their dainty paws, "I also understand your going through a lot... Is there anything else you want to say?"

"Uhm... Not really."

"Then... Are you ready to speak of what happened?" The nurse tried to be gentle, but straightforwardness seemed like the best communication.

Lotuspaw sat silent for a moment before nodding, "It wasn't bloody like you'd imagine death would be... But the memory burns me everyday."

Smogbreath nodded, they understood that death itself was traumatic. Especially in such masses, it was so much grief at once.

"The river ran dry, our river never ran dry! It used to overflow, and water the crops!" She shouted, as if still shocked that it even happened, "So everyone had no water. None. Without water, no one hunted. Without food, no one ate. And they began to starve or worse; throw up biles and blood because the scorching heat made them sickly."

Lotuspaw's voice began to crack and waver before xe suddenly bursted into uncontrollable tears, "I watched them fade from their body into Moonclan! But it went on for days, half moons even..."

Smogbreath curled their tail around the smaller figure, sharing their grief through empathy. It was unprofessional for nurses to do so, but now Smog wasn't working as just a nurse; Smogbreath was Lotuspaw's caretaker, her one support system.

They knew words like 'I understand' do more harm then help now, because frankly Smogbreath didn't understand, but they could imagine the others feelings.

"Lotuspaw, it wasn't okay what happened, it never will be," Lotuspaw knew that, "But we will work together to make it better." Those words gave Lotuspaw sudden hope.

The past she once knew will affect her future, but Smogbreath wanted to help Lotuspaw cope with that. And Lotuspaw wanted that too, she believed xe would get there someday, and xe'd be a fine warrior.

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