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It was tough deciding who would train her but it ended up being a middle-aged molly from Duneclan, Cotton'nose. Her nurse was also the mentor for Beepaw.

The priestess was named after the white patch around her nose and muzzle while the rest of her pelt was purely brown. She was stern, strict at times, but made sure Lotuspaw was comfortable and understood why xe did something wrong.

In this time, Lotuspaw learned Beepaw was quite spastic, curious, outgoing, and eager to learn. Beepaw also revealed that ae identified as agender, and used ae/aer or no pronouns.

It actually was quiet nice to have someone as eager as xer, if not more, because it seemed the two trainees balanced out the usual stern and closed off priestess. The nurses were always nice too but didn't make an effort to bond with Lotuspaw as much. She didn't mind though, she felt as she was there purely for work.

"Hey, Lotuspaw, I'm done with my chores, why don't we go forage together?" Beepaw was practically buzzing with energy, hoping she'd say yes.

Cotton'nose answered first though, "Finish sorting that last cabinet and you may go."

Lotuspaw nodded and got to work... But of course Beepaw was so excited, and impatient, to go that Beepaw offered to help to get it done twice as fast. Ae was honestly a great helper, must be why ae is a nurse. After that, the two left together to go foraging.

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