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"Are you sure?!" Smogbreath yowled, voice filled with shockmand bewilderment.

It almost frightened Lotuspaw, thinking she'd make a mistake bringing it up.

But quickly Smogbreath calmed themself so they could explain, "I just... Don't want to let you go. Will you be okay?"

Lotuspaw smiled warmly, "I don't know. But apart of life is taking risks..." She admitted it, "I can't see the future but I learn from the past."

Smogbreath for a moment looked concerned still but sighed, "You speak with such wisdom... Such growth. I think it'll be okay... But if you need help, Vineclan, and I, will always be here for you."

Lotuspaw nodded. But she had someone else to tell now... Sneezepaw. She'll be heartbroken.

Lotuspaw was now curled around the brown tabby in the trainee den, feeling a lump of anxiety form in her throat tightly as she hesitated.

She spoke softly, still scared, "Sneezepaw..."

"What's wrong? Why do you look so down?" The brown she-cat whined, looking sad already.

"I... I have to leave Vineclan to train as a priest."

Sneezepaw looked shocked but whispered, "Could you... Visit me?"

Lotuspaw was silent, thoughtful, but then nodded, "I'd swim an ocean for you, Sneeze."

That night Smogbreath announced Lotuspaw's leave, and while many were saddened they saw hope finally. They believed Lotuspaw was headed in the right path, for all the clans future.

The Gravity of Destiny: Warriors Short Chapter StoryWhere stories live. Discover now