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It seemed awkward now, between all the nurses and Lotuspaw. Nurses and priests were the closest of all cats to the ancestors yet Lotuspaw had felt betrayed by them, she couldn't help but associate them with negativity.

The worst of it was Lotuspaw knew they existed. Lotuspaw also knew the hurt inside her was real. So how was she to forgive them, to forget that they had played with her fate and used her as a tool? Better question, how was she to balance her own pain and her dreams?

Suddenly, the thin feline sprung upwards and knocked all the herbs from their storage unit, fiercously clawing the wood. The nurses immediately panicked as Lotuspaw eyed them with newfound hatred. She wanted to blame something for all her grief.

Smogbreath moved forward, blocking their clan-mates from Lotuspaw.

"Lotuspaw, life isn't fair!" They shouted, hoping to convince Lotuspaw, "The ancestors give us hardship so we have a sweeter victory!"

"There will be no victory, not the one they have chosen! I deserve to be me!" Lotuspaw broke down now and cried to the sky, "My soul has already left the day my family did, now my body rots so Moonclan may use it as a puppet!"

Smogbreath was wide-eyed. With shock, fear, and most of all, concern and empathy. Lotuspaw was recovering so well, but now it seemed all faith had been given up... It seemed only so many cats could hold so strong.

"Please Lotuspaw, you have me. I-" Smogbreath hesitated, knowing how unprofessional they would sound but either way they let their emotions shine through their shell, "I need you. And I promise you that you'll meet new cats if you continue to work with me!" Promises should never be made, especially to a patient but Smogbreath couldn't help it.

Lotuspaw was more than a patient.

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