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She sat in the make-shift den, it was a hollow space underneath tree roots that grew uncontrollably and some thistles and moss to cover the rest.

She had reoccurring nightmares of her loved ones dying, the clan she was loyal to breaking away. The worst was they died slowly to dehydration. You'd believe the process wasn't gorey, but the cats were so sickly and frail they starved and got more weak to disease. They would vomit due to hydration, sometimes even acid and blood. The diseases could cause such misery, some cats even gruesomely killed themselves in the uniquest of ways to try to avoid fate; but their fate was to die, and so they did.

And if that wasn't enough, the grief was traumatic as well. It left her scarred to realize they were all gone, no familiar face was there to comfort her. It also ruined her to realize Rushclan would probably never be her home again, they'd all perish and with the cats the clan as well.

She was alone, alone forever. And it was all because of Moonclan.

She'd yowl in agony, how could her kin cause her such devastation, such hurt? She cried to the sky for the return of her family, but she knew they'd hold them hostage... All so Lotuspaw could sit and mend wounds.

How was she to do so when she had her own, her own that may take cycles, centuries, to heal? If they healed at all.

And even then, they'd leave invisible scars. The cats around her would never know of her sufferage, but she would be reminded daily by those scars.

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