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For a moment Lotuspaw flexed her claws into the dirt as she thought before shouting, "There must be a cure!" Lotuspaw growled to herself, becoming increasingly frustrated.

The other nurses just awkardly glared up with confusion and concern until Smogbreath ushered the nurses out, demanding they let it work with their parient.

Smogbreath came back inside the den, "There will be, Lotus, but as much as I believe ambition is a key to success so is patience."

Lotuspaw snapped at Smogbreath, "Are you sure you've tried everything?!"

"Lotuspaw, I am a mere nurse!" Smogbreath finally stood up for themself, "The other clans are researching and we can only try what we know!"

Lotuspaw let out a frustrated snort but seemed defeated and sat down, "We have to try new mixes..."

Smogbreath looked with empathy and sighed, "Are you suggesting we test on them like mere rats?"

"No, of course not! I only want the best for every living thing," Despite Lotuspaw's anger and eagerness xe spoke honestly, "But... But how else do we find a cure?"

"Our priestesses and ancestors will guide us, you must have faith."

Lotuspaw shot back up with her fur standing on the edge of her spine standing up as well, "Our ancestors are the ones who killed my home, I put no trust into their filthy claws!"

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