Chapter 21 - Life Continues

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Guysss! Late update again? Yes? No?

I'm sorry though! I wanted to update yesterday but I was not feeling well. I wrote half of the chapter while bearing my pain. So...I'm sorry if I make any mistakes and if the chapter isn't good. :(


Aayesha's POV

I was checking my end month sales when the bell rang, indicating that I have a customer. I looked up and find a girl stepped in with a smile on his face. I quickly stood up and approached her since my worker went out for lunch.

"Hi! Welcome!!" I greeted her with a smile on my face as a sign of gratitude and she returned me one back.

Hey!" She chirped happily.

"So what can I do for you?" I asked and she smiled while looking around my boutique.

"Well actually I'm looking for a suit. I have a function to attend today." She said, rolling her eyes and I chuckled looking at her annoyed face.

"Ohh. Desi clothes?" I asked since she looked Desi and she nodded, sighing slightly.

"Yup! I forgot to buy actually." She murmured, rolling her eyes and I chuckled looking at her.

"Thank god that Romeo reminded me this morning! If not, he would have killed me if I didn't attend the function." She told without being asked and I raised my eyebrows hearing her.

"Romeo?" I smirked and I saw a tint of pink on her cheeks.

"Uhm..." She was about to explain when I laughed looking at her cute expression.

"It's okay! It's okay! I understand!" I quickly replied and she chuckled, looking away.

"Do you have any Desi clothes?" She asked, furrowing as she looked tensed slightly.

"Yeah!" I replied shortly and was about to say more when she interjected.

"Actually I'm not good in choosing clothes." She told, scrunching her nose and I giggled.

"Don't worry! I'll help you out." I said and winked at her and she widened her eyes in excitement.

"Oh thank God! You just give me anything simple and nice, I would be really grateful!" She boasted and I chuckled.

"Don't worry! Follow me." I said and she quickly got up and we walked to the Desi clothes collections that I have.

"Uhm by the way, what's your name? I feel comfortable with you." She said, honestly and I smiled looking at her.

"I'm Aayesha. Aayesha Adam Qureshi." I introduced myself and she smiled looking at me with eyebrows lifted up.

"Such a long name! But it's beautiful just like the owner!" She complimented and I chuckled.

"Thank you. What's yours?" I asked as I took a long white and blue Lahenga dress from the hanger.

"I'm Mahira Khan." She introduced herself and I smiled.

"Oh wow! Nice name!" I complimented and she giggled.

"Thank you!" She replied and I smiled.

"How's this?" I asked, pointing the dress and her eyes were wide open.

"This is beautiful!" She exclaimed in shined eyes and I smiled widely.

"Then go try this." I said and she nodded.

"Alright!" She said, picking the dress.

"The changing room is over there." I pointed her and she nodded while walking to the changing room.

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