Chapter 58 - The Reunion

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Here's your last chap! Yahooooo!!! *Screams and jumps on bed excitedly* Hahaha LOL. xD

So sorry for the late update! I hope you enjoy the chapter! :)

I'm not writing any Epilogue, I didn't plan it for this story. So...consider this chap as the last chap and Epilogue. ;)

Happy reading and do leave me lots of comments! ♡


Fayyad's POV

"I want to meet Shehryaar." She said looking at my face with her glassy eyes and I smiled while nodding my head.

"I'll drop you." I replied and slowly a smile was crept onto her lips as she lowered her face and wiped the unfallen tear away. I inhaled deeply as I stroked Armaan's back before I hugged him tight in my arms.

"He's at your house." Hafsa told us and Aayesha hugged her.

"Thank you." She said and Hafsa smiled while nodding her head before they pulled out.

"I'll join you later...these kids aren't coming home now." Hafsa said while chuckling slightly as she roamed her eyes around the area, probably counting on the kids who were happily playing.

"Shehryaar will be happy." Hafsa turned towards me and said in space as she caressed Armaan's hair with her wet eyes, made me bite my lower lip.

"Shall we?" I asked then looking at Aayesha and she turned her head in my direction. Running her eyes on my face, she inhaled deeply before she slowly parted her lips.

"Yeah." She replied shortly while nodding her head and I sighed internally.

"All the best." Hafsa said and Aayesha mouthed 'Thank you' before we passed her a smile and turned around, walking out of the park with so much thoughts, confusions, emotions yet we just kept ourselves shut as we approached the car.

I turned to look at her beside me who was walking quietly and sighed when she seemed lost in pool of thoughts and I then straightened my head again. A second later from the corner of my eyes, I saw she shifted her gaze on me but I decided to not look at her.

This might be the end of our relationship and my relationship with...Armaan.

I felt knots tied in my throat on my won thoughts and made me tug onto Armaan's shirt in fear, fear of losing him before we finally reached my car.

"Let me hold him Fayyad." Aayesha said while extending her hands in front of me and I looked down at it, didn't feel like handing Armaan to her.

"Fayyad." Aayesha shook my shoulder made me jump back a little and I blinked my eyes looking at her face, coming to reality again.

"Oh I'm sorry." I said, rolling a tongue over my lips and I slowly passed Armaan in her hands with heavy heart. She smiled as she took him and kissed his cheeks before she walked in the car and I exhaled aloud, followed suit.

Calm your heart down Fayyad!

She told me the address and I accelerated the gear and drove off to the spot.

I freed my gear when the signal turned red and looked to my side and instantly a smile crept onto my lips as I saw he was sucking his thumb while sleeping. I couldn't stop myself from raising my hand and caressed his cheek softly and my eyes turned moist on my act.

He will leave me and have his own Dad...not me as his Dad anymore.

"Kia hua Fayyad?" Aayesha suddenly asked, freezing me and I quickly cleared my throat to get my voice as I blinked my eyes, cleaning the tears away.

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