Chapter 4 - Coffee Date

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Aayesha's POV

I looked at the wall clock. 2.30PM? I sighed as I remembered my 'Coffee Date' with him. Gosh! Should I go or not? I bite my nails in confuse. I don't even know him. Why is he suddenly call me for a 'date'?

I smiled absentmindedly as I remembered our dinner last night. One thing I know about him. Whoever he is, he is a nice guy. Who are willing to buy food for a stranger at late at night? I thought I will sleep with an empty stomach but no. He was so sweet buying me food and accompany me.

I should go meet him. At least for returning his favor towards me last night. I nodded and got up from the couch. I turned off the TV and walked towards my room. I opened my closet and scanned my wardrobe.

 I took out dark blue jeans paired with a white button shirt with a collar. I wore them and walked towards the mirror. I took my Eyeliner and applied it on my eyelids. I then applied Mascara to make my eyelashes thick and lastly I applied nude colour Lipstick. I let my hair freed and did my final touch. I smiled looking at my reflection.

"Beautiful!" I complimented myself and giggled slightly. If I don't compliment myself, then who will? So it's good to praise yourself.

I took my purse, mobile and car keys and walked out of my room. I stepped out of the house and approached my car. I sat in and started the engine.

"Espresso 77!" I said and drove off.

After few minutes of driving, finally I reached the coffee shop. I parked my car at the parking spaces and got out of the car and locked it. I walked in and don't know why I felt nervous. Uff you're reacting like it's your date!

I looked around the cafe and most of the people present here was couple. I sighed and finally caught a sight of him. I was gawking at him absentmindedly. God he looked awesome with Black denim and Grey shirt with V-collar around his neck.

He smiled widely as soon as he saw me and he stood up. He waved his hand, signalling me to step closer. I smiled and did. I smiled as soon as I stood in front of him.

"Sorry I'm late." I apologized as I glanced at my wrist watch. I was late fifteen minutes.

"No problem. I thought you won't come." He spoke and I chuckled. So he was scared if I didn't show up.

"I was stuck in the traffic." I told him and he nodded. He took out a single rose from his back and a small box Fererro Rocher chocolate and handed it to me. I widened my eyes in surprise.

"Wow! Thank you! This is so sweet of you." I exclaimed as I didn't expect him to give me this. To be honest this was the first time a guy gave me a rose and chocolates.

"It's okay. Have a seat." He said and walked on my side and pulled a chair out. He then signalled me to seat. I nodded a thank you. He then walked back to his seat.

"Ahaan. You know gentleman code very well." I said as soon as my bump touched the chair. He giggled looking at me.

"Well it's our first date. So it's obvious na I have to be a pure gentleman." He said with a wink. I raised my eyebrows hearing him.

"Date?" I responded in surprise.

"Yeah. Date." I replied in a serious tone. I shook my head with a small smile.

"If this isn't out first DATE, then you won't be using this gentleman code?" I asked, purposely teasing him and emphasized the word 'Date'. And I wanted to know his answer too. Is all the boys the same? They'll be a pure gentleman on the first date and by time passing by, they'll show their true colour.

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