There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact

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Author's note:
I know nothing I say can make up for the fact that I stopped updating this beautiful story. I sincerely apologize, I know this won't be enough, but I hope a chapter would earn me my forgiveness👉👈.
Please forgive me my loves.
Without further blabbering let's get back right into the story.

Anna's POV:
I was walking towards the pack Oracle's house. My brother was taken by the most monstrous clan known to wolf kind and I'm on my way to do some mind linking spell instead of killing those bastards with my claws.
Tears were brimming and blurring my sight, but this information is vital, I have to inform my pack, there's no way they're taking any other person from my family, my pack.

As soon as I got there the oracle said that she'll do the necessary spell on her own. As there was no time to waste, I joined the hunt for evidence.

I was walking through the woods when I smelled an unusual smell. It was very faint but I could still smell it.

I quickly called Edward through my phone because something wasn't right.

I knew he was the fastest one and as expected he found me in seconds.

"So Luna, do you smell that?" I asked him, just to verify if I was the only one who could sense that unusual smell.

"It's definitely some kind of blood, isn't it?" Edward asked still trying to locate the source.

"That's the weirdest part Luna, it smells like blood, but it's enticing, it's like the raw meat dinner we have during full moons, I'm sure if there's a untriggered wolf here, it would trigger them to change. Just this smell is doing something weird to my instincts. I can't point out what's weird about it though" I said still sniffing that additive and alluring yet, so weird of a smell.

"I know it's irrelevant to the crisis at hand, but you called me Luna" Edward pointed out awkwardly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but an Alpha's mate is called as Luna, that too a true alpha's mate is to be regarded as Luna" I clarified. Just then I realized what I had done. FUCK. What if Jake hasn't said about the "him being his mate" part?

I'm screwed.

Jake's POV:

I was patrolling through the bridge that connects my pack and Zayne's pack. I was pissed that there wasn't anything solid that could help me get any clue about his whereabouts.

Nothing helpful at all!

Nothing but a goddamn smell.

Weird but so tempting.

It's like the scent wants you to eat it, but you can't eat it cause it's a scent.

I know I'm not making sense but it's just this scent makes me want to eat it, but I can't.

I was trying hard to find the source but nothing was helpful.

Emmett's POV:

I was searching for some clues along with my new mate Paul, and he won't stop talking about this weird smell that he wants to eat.

"For the last time Paulina, you can't eat scents, you can only smell them" I said annoyed at the stuff he was saying. But to be honest, I'm curious too, this smells like blood, but I don't know what kind of blood, as in human blood, or animal blood or what blood is that to give off such a different smell.

I was trying my best to find the source of the smell but for some reason, we kept going in circles.

"I'm telling you Em, this smell is so weird and tasty" Paul said.

Just then he stopped in his tracks.

He sprinted all the way to the pack Oracle's house.

He was naked, but seems like he could care less.

I followed him all the way there.

And he asked her one question. One question that made everything make sense.

"Na, what does the wolfsbane smell like? "

Hey guys! It's me again.
I'm planning on updating short but frequent updates👉👈. I don't have my laptop, so I'll be updating through my phone. If you find any mistakes please let me know.
Thanks for being patient with me.
I love y'all.
Don't be a closet reader!
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See you soon peeps❤

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