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Jacob's P.O.V

"How many times have I told you to stay away from Bella?"

"Jacob, why are you being difficult?"

"I hate you leech just stay away from her. She'll be mine and I don't want to have your foul stench all over her."

"Jacob just put the hate aside for once so we can negotiate..."

"Negotiate? What are you talking about??" I asked. If he's trying to play some sick game I...

"I'm not playing games, Alpha"

Something the way he said Alpha made my ego boost up.

Yep. Definitely playing a game.

"Fine. Edward, just say me about "negotiation" " I said making air quotes when I said negotiation. Did I just call him Edward? Oh god what has the world come down to?

He chuckled and then covered it up with some fake coughs.

"I want you to make Bella fall in love" he said his voice wavering in the end.

I must be dreaming. That's it...

There's no way in hell this can be true. Before I could comprehend a cold hand pinched me making me gasp.

"Ouch. What the hell?" I yelled. He just shrugged saying "Just proving that you were not dreaming." The place he pinched me just tingled. Difference in temperatures I see.

"Why?" I asked as my brain made it impossible for me to form words.

"I have always wanted what is good for her Jacob. That's why I left. I wanted to protect her. I'm a monster Jacob. I don't want her to be damned into this kind of fate. I love her too much for that. I want her to have a normal life and you're the one capable of saving her... from herself" he said.

For the first time in my life I felt bad for judging someone. I never judge people usually. You can't judge people without knowing their story. That's just so mean and hating someone just because they're not normal is not a good habit. I felt an urge to apologize and whenever I feel that way, I usually apologize.

"I'm sorry" I said without any explanation. He doesn't need any explanation too. Come on he's a mind reader.

"It's okay I guess." He stuttered.

Is a mind reading vampire stuttering? Well tonight is full of surprises.

"Jacob, back to topic I want you to make Bella fall in love with you."

"What does that give you Edward? A heartbreak? Are you even serious?"

"It gives me relief. Yes, it's heartbreaking to even think about it. But, I just can't put her into anymore danger which also means that I'm not leaving her. You have to make her fall in love with you and make her break up with me." His voice was deathly calm.

"Is there more?"

"Yeah, just don't hurt her Jacob. Keep her safe. I love her. I always have and always will. And I also know that you love her. Just do this for me please. Or just do this for Bella. This will keep her human. Give her a normal life. She can have babies, live with Charlie, you can always stand by her to protect her, love her and make her happy. Please Jacob." He said his eyes filling up with venom that'll never fall.

I was out of words. This vampire in front of me is something else. He cares about a human so much that he is willing to give up his own love to keep her safe. It makes him so human like. I shook my head vigorously.

leech and mutt (BoyXBoy) - A Jakeward FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now