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Edward's P.O.V

"You'll still be Bella," I said, attempting to reassure. The truth was that I had no memory of who I was before my change and, except for Rosalie, I'd not known my parents or siblings before they were changed. It's just what we all believed. If we had been vastly different before, then we couldn't know it anyway, since our memories didn't survive the change well.

Bella frowned. "If I'm so far gone that I'd want to kill Charlie—that I'd drink Jacob's blood or Angela's if I got the chance—how can that be true?"

And here he comes. Jacob, even when I try to convince myself that I love Bella when my entire mind revolves around him.

"It will pass. And I doubt you'll want to drink the dog's blood," I teased. "Even as a newborn, you'll have better taste than that."

Thanks brain.

No problem Eddie.

She ignored the attempt. "But that will always be what I want most, won't it? Blood, blood, and more blood!"

"The fact that you are still alive is proof that that is not true," I said righteously

After several back and forth finally it happened.

"Give me one good reason why tonight is not as good as any other night."

"I wasn't born yesterday." I chuckled at the vast truth in that. "Out of the two of us, which do you think is more unwilling to give the other what they want? You just promised to marry me before you do any changing, but if I give in tonight, what guarantee do I have that you won't go running off to Carlisle in the morning? I am—clearly—much less reluctant to give you what you want. first." That was the inspiration and the salve to my conscience.

Bella was aghast. "I have to marry you first?"

Anything to protect my precious virginity.

"There's something else," she said, watching my expression more closely than I preferred. "Are you planning to go back on your word?"

"No. I swear to you, we will try. After you marry me."

Bella ventured a laugh, but I knew she was disappointed. Frankly, I was too...a little, but I wanted to do right by her. I truly did.

"You make me feel like a villain in a melodrama—twirling my mustache while I try to steal some poor girl's virtue."

"That's it, isn't it?" Bella barked out a laugh. "You're trying to protect your virtue!" She started giggling and clapped her hand over her mouth.

So, that's where the second gift came in, the other one I'd been hoping to give her tonight. Wearing a man's engagement ring told the world, "I have made up my mind. I'm taken." Particularly aggressive suitors—Jacob—might make a play for one's fiancée, but a broken jaw would almost be expected.

"I suppose you don't want your ring now?" I asked, feigning indifference.

She gulped and her face took on a greenish cast. "You suppose correctly."

I laughed, feeling jaunty. "That's fine. I'll get it on your finger soon enough."

Bella scowled. "You talk like you already have one."

"I do," I admitted proudly. "Ready to force upon you at the first sign of weakness."

"You're unbelievable," Bella complained. I assume she meant "pushy," but I didn't mind that.

"Do you want to see it?" I asked, unable to hide my excitement.

"No!" she snapped, but after a hesitation, said, "Unless you really want to show it to me."

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