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Edward's P.O.V

Lying with Bella and watching her sleep, though I had done it many times before, had a new significance. For the first time, I felt confident that we would be together forever. Bella couldn't possibly love me as I loved her, beyond all reason, beyond all restraint, but to have her promise to be mine and only mine even if it is for a while...it was enough.

Bella had fallen asleep so late that she slept in late too. After welcoming her into the new day—the first day of our engagement!—I left her alone while I went to the kitchen to practice my breakfast–making skills. Bella wandered downstairs when she smelled the eggs and toast.

"I think that you're going to want to pack for cold weather, Edward," Alice said sourly. "I can't see where you are exactly, because you're taking off with your mutt this afternoon. But the storm that's coming seems particularly bad in that general area."

I nodded at her, trying not to smile. Ignoring me wouldn't do you good Jake; you're stuck up with me till the commencement of the battle love.

"It's going to snow on the mountains," she added.

"Ew, snow," Bella complained. She'd always disliked the cold and I still found it miraculous that she wanted me.

"Wear a jacket," Alice directed Bella. I was sure Bella sensed my sister's irritation, but I didn't think she had figured out what the problem was—yet.

Alice followed us to the garage where I began filling a backpack with the camping gear we would need for Bella on Little Tahoma overnight—tent, four–season sleeping bag, a canteen, first aid kit, and some dried food in sealed packages. Bella made an "icky" face at those, but we would be on the mountain long enough for Bella to need sustenance.

I handed Bella my cell phone. "Why don't you call Jacob and tell him we'll be ready for him in an hour or so. He knows where to meet us."

Bella hung up the cell phone and looked at us curiously.

"Billy said to tell you 'good luck.'"

As I carried Bella in my arms to the clearing with the backpack occupying her usual position, I considered the second part of our bargain—making love to Bella while she was still human. After the conversation I'd had recently with my father, I had stopped worrying about undertaking this dangerous and seemingly impossible feat. But now, I was back on the hook and somehow I would have to come through for her—after marriage, yes, but that day would come soon enough. I didn't know how I could ever be what she needed me to be. For now, though, I was content to focus on the wedding and put aside thoughts of the wedding night.

But the nagging feeling never seems to cease.

And now that we're too close to meet Jake, my nervousness is reaching new heights.

How can something so right like making the love of your life your fiancé feel so wrong?

I love her, didn't I?

We were taking a circuitous route to the clearing far away from the path Jacob would follow later to convey Bella to the ridge on Little Tahoma. The newborns would approach from Puget Sound over the Olympic Mountains from the east. Jasper's plan called for them to cross Bella's scent, which would lead them to the clearing where we—my family, I mean—would be waiting to destroy them. Alice had shown me the path the newborns would take and so I sent Bella on a short walk from the clearing along a line that would transect it.

The weather was disturbing. A low pressure system was moving rapidly into the area, bringing unusually strong Arctic winds from the north. Just before we left the house, Alice had called out, "Don't forget your coat, Bella. It seems...unseasonably cold." Unfortunately, with the werewolves in the picture, Alice couldn't tell us anything specific about what would happen on the mountain. The wolves acted like a lead curtain in an X–ray, creating a big blank spot in her vision.

leech and mutt (BoyXBoy) - A Jakeward FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now