27.you asked for it

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I woke up with a heavy headache.

My ears were getting so sensitive to even the slightest sounds.

I scanned my surroundings only to find that I was in a different surrounding that was way too unfamiliar. My brain was rebelling against me when I tried to remember the events of last night.

Slowly some glimpses came to my mind. Me dancing with Hottie, Edward showing up and then again I don't remember anything more.

In a moment of sudden panic I checked my clothing only to find that I was lying on this new bed only with my underwear on.

Did I do "the deed" yesterday? Did I just lose my virginity to an one night stand?

God Lucas will be so pissed. Did Eddie knew that I cheated on him? Oh god he would hate me when he finds out.

Right now I'm so pissed at myself. I can't even remember what happened yesterday .

Great, just great. I have cheated on my imprint, successfully pissed off my wolf, abandoned my drunk friend in a bar filled with supernatural beings.

I was slowly recovering from my headache and my first instinct was to get away from this unfamiliar surrounding. I was slowly searching for my shirt and I dressed myself, only to find the intoxicating scent of my mate still lingering on my shirt which was making me regret going to that stupid club in the first place.


"The meeting is set by 4 o clock alpha" Paul reminded me.

I was stalling because I was nervous to meet Edward after the shitty thing I have done.

I could never be able to forgive myself if he hates me for what I've did.

Lucas was growling at me and he refused to talk with me.

We reached the Cullen's house in wolf form and I transformed to my human form to be able to have a normal conversation. I entered their house and slowly ventured towards Eddie's room only to regret it...

"Edward I was so stupid, I can't give upon my first love just like that, I love you Edward and I'll fight for you, we've got a great history and I won't allow it to go as waste." Bella's annoying high pitched voice made my heart stop. Lucas was growling way too loudly making my head hurt.

"Bella you can't just throw away my love and just crawl back to me..." he was interrupted when Bella forced a kiss upon him.

My fury was blinding that I found myself plotting Bella's death. To avoid any mishap I ran away from the Cullen household with a heavy heart.


Hey loves,

Hope you're doing good. I'm extremely happy right now because I've got people who care about me. Thanks to ZeeLyNA who texts me constantly on whatsapp and ForeverTornWithTears for her sweet messages. I've joined Uni for my masters and my study schedule is so hectic. Hence please forgive me if I don't update frequently. Have a day guys. How are you liking the story so far?

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Until next time. Bye peeps.

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