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Edward's P.O.V

Everybody was already at the baseball field when Bella and I arrived. Jasper and Emmett were practicing in the clearing and Alice and Rosalie were lounging on the ground, watching. I could see that Emmett was improving, even though he preferred using brute force over cunning. Perhaps he could learn to combine Jasper's intelligent techniques with his extraordinary strength to become an unbeatable foe.

Carlisle and Esme were having a close conversation with one another, their heads bent together and their fingers intertwined. Without trying to listen, I knew that they were praying...for our family, for the wolves, for the community, and for the newborns too, because the creatures didn't know any better and were being misused. My parents are righteous people, good people, and ironically, more humane than most humans.

Only three of the werewolves were present on this night, sitting at different vantage points around the clearing. I was waiting to be greeted by Jake as usual. But sadly it didn't happen at all.

It was three hour training but Jake avoided me like plague. That hurts mate.

"Where are the rest of the wolves?" Bella asked.

"They don't all need to be here. One would do the job, but Sam didn't trust us enough to just send Jacob alone, though Jacob was willing. Quil and Embry are his usual...I guess you could call them his wingmen."

"Jacob trusts you!!!" She asked surprised. If only she knew...

I nodded. "He trusts us not to try to kill him. That's about it, though." I sighed hoping that at least he could talk to me even if it was tormenting me it would be more than okay. It hurts to put up a façade in front of Bella. But I guess Jake could not let Bella know about our friendship.

"Are you participating tonight?" Bella asked with what seemed like trepidation. I didn't know why she was still nervous. I wouldn't renege on my promise to her.

"I'll help Jasper when he needs it. He wants to try some unequal groupings, teach them how to deal with multiple attackers." I shrugged. It was the closest I'd get to the battle, unfortunately.

Bella looked toward the field without speaking. Why did I get the feeling that something was wrong here?

I turned to where Jacob was resting on his haunches at the south end of the clearing. When I looked toward him, so did Bella. His large, pink tongue was hanging out the side of his mouth in a Goofy–the–cartoon–dog grin. It was kind of cute if you ask me.

Bella had grown quiet, but attempted to return Jacob's grin. I could see her lips trembling, unable to maintain an upward lift. I wished that she had skipped this second training session. There was no reason for her to be present.

Jacob had risen and was trotting across the field.

"Jacob," I acknowledged when he reached us.

I expected him to at least nod his massive head towards me as a greeting but he ignored me. I felt sadness creeping me. Why is he ignoring me? Did he finally think I'm boring? Did he go back to hating me?

I revived the memory of our last meeting, his strong arms wrapping me in a tight hold. i felt secure, as if I was fragile and he was my strength. I miss him even though he's right in front of me.

Jake wolf was focused on Bella. He lowered his eyes to her level and whined, his huge head cocked sideways. It seemed like he wanted to know what was wrong.

"I'm fine," she said, not needing me to translate his question. "Just worried, you know." It could've been better if I was able to read his mind.

Suddenly I could hear his thoughts. Well not directly but with his mind link to Quil I could hear his thoughts.

That's really stupid. What is there to be worried about? Jacob asked as he stared at Bella.

"He wants to know why," I translated.

Jacob growled in annoyance. That's not what I said mind reader! Or are you losing your touch?

I was amused, but trying not to smile. There you're my alpha. You can't go ignoring me.

"What?" Bella wanted to know.

"He thinks my translations leave something to be desired," I explained. "What he actually thought was, 'That's really stupid. What is there to be worried about?' I edited, because I thought it was rude."

Bella tried to smile again, but her lips twitched downward instead.

"There's plenty to be worried about," she said. "Like a bunch of really stupid wolves getting themselves hurt."

So that was what was distressing her. She'd removed me from danger and now she was worried about him. I should have realized that Jacob would be high on her list of those she wanted to protect. Not that she could protect him—especially from himself.

Jacob barked at Bella in derision. The wolves considered fighting vampires to be good fun.

Edward, we're starting. You and I against Emmett. Ready?

I sighed at my assigned role of blunt force attacker—no need to be quick, smart, or crafty, or to use my mind–reading capability. How boring! I also didn't like separating myself from Bella or leaving her with Jacob, though I had no justifiable reason for that. It was probably as Carlisle and Esme thought...I was feeling competitive and jealous. The latter emotion had no basis in fact that I knew of, but I'd discovered early on with Bella just how irrational a feeling jealousy could be.

I began thinking when I found something.

It was like a bucket of cold water was poured straight to my face.

I flinched at that.

I was not jealous of Jake talking with Bella.

I was jealous of Bella talking with my Alpha. Irrational but I wanted to be his only friend and I didn't like Bella taking that close space beside Jake.

I didn't like that one bit. How they were cuddled close, that should've been me. Mine place. It should have been me who should be cuddling close to his warm wolf body.









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