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Jacob's P.O.V

Two weeks. Two weeks of pure torture. I can't wait to see Eddie in the training grounds tonight.

Last week during Bella's graduation party, we came to know that there was a group of newborns who were after Bella. They were led by Victoria. That Bitch...

I gave Bella a bracelet as a graduation present. It had a wolf carving made of wood, which by the way I made with my own hands. She told me that she liked it and she promised me that she would wear it on daily basis.

We were working hard for the upcoming battle against newborns. Newborns are the newly turned vampires with immense strength since they have human blood lingering in their tissues. They are feral, they've uncontrolled bloodlust and they totally act on impulse. Their speed and strength would be much more than the Cullen's.

But, we had an added advantage on our side. It's us. They have no idea about us taking part in the battle and they don't know how to fight us too.

Jasper was the one training us since he had more experiences with them. Paul and Emmett were getting along so well that you can't see one without the other. Alice has become Seth's best friend. Well me and Rosalie, let's say we share something unique. She's not the kind of girl who could give two shits about who you are. All she cares about is Emmett, cars and ways to humiliate me.

Well Edward, he's same ol' Eddie. But recently I can say that something has been bothering him.

I was waiting patiently for the training to end. It was around 2 in the morning. Unlike the other times, Bella didn't come along with Eddie.

It was obvious that the pressure we'd all been feeling over the upcoming battle was gone. Everyone was gathered around chatting and Emmett was inserting bad jokes and puns here and there into the hum of conversation. He was happier than the rest of us put together over the prospect of an actual battle.

I saw Edward give me a look the told he needs to talk with me.

Soon we were sneaking out of the actual group like hormonal teenagers. Wait I'm a teenager, but he's an old man.

I looked at his features. His whole demeanor was tensed. His jaw was clenched, his eyes closed, his fists were balled up.

Yep, something was really bothering him.


"Hey Jake"

"What's bothering you?"


"Bella?" I asked unsure of what she has done that has Eddie on edge.

"She doesn't want me to fight" he said.

"Maybe she's worried. Don't worry Eddie; we've got numbers, strategy and surprise on our side. We'll win"

"It's not about winning."


"IT'S ABOUT MY MISTAKE, ME... THE WAY I FELL IN LOVE WITH HER. THE WAY I PUT A GROUP OF TEENAGE BOYS INTO DANGER," he yelled suddenly his voice growing soft. "Seth, he's a kid, he shouldn't be in this. In a war. All this is because of my selfishness. Jacob as much as I know you guys are strong but you're not immortals like us... I'm scared. I'm guilty. This war is because of me, but I have to sit back because my love is afraid of losing me. Everyone involved in this war has a chance of getting hurt or worse—"

"Eddie" I said softly taking his cold hands into mine squeezing it tightly ignoring the tingles, "We know Bella, she's worried, hell we are all. But she has a reason Edward, she can't lose you. She may move on from you in future but, if anything happens to you she will always be worried about you, she just can't stop loving you. And you're not selfish and your love is not wrong. It may be unnatural like our friendship" I joked making him give me a small sad smile, "but it's true. You love her a lot, you care for her and—"

"And??" he asked quirking an eyebrow at me

"You're so whipped" I said chuckling. He gave me another smile.

"And about the part that we're not immortals, we may not have rock hard skin like you, but we're not marshmallows. We're werewolves, especially descendants of the first wolves. We're strong, we may be young, yes but everything that we need to know is in our blood. We just have to follow our instincts. We are designed to protect people from bad leeches,--"

This time he gave a chuckle.

"So, yeah, we're gonna win this battle. Let's be positive. There's a lot of chance things may go wrong, that we may get hurt, worse killed—"

His hands clamped my mouth shut.

"Please Jake; I don't want to think about it. I—"

"Shh—we will keep Bella safe and kick some vampire ass huh..."

"Jake you'll be safe right?"

"I'll try to be. I promise." I said.

He was so vulnerable like a little child afraid to let go of their parents when they have to go out.

"Eddie, look at the positives. You will be sitting beside Bella when we've got all fun." I said

"Not helping Jake" he pouted.

"Fine Seth is not fighting. I'll ask him to stay with Bella at the tent away from the battle field."

Still, there was no change in his demeanor.

I sighed. Edward, what's really bothering you. There's something else.

"Jake, you—"


"You could get hurt. I never had any friend in my entire existence. When I was first changed, Carlisle seemed to be my friend. But, later when Esme came, I was left alone again. I was a single vampire for so long, the only person who changed that was Bella. Even after falling in love with Bella, there's a part of me who longed for friendship. Like Bella and Alice's friendship, doing things together, joking around and all.

That was only satisfied after you started talking to me. I was uptight. I never joked, but you brought a different part of me.

Even if Bella leaves me Jake, even if we've just started talking ,even when the deal is over, I want our friendship to stay intact. I've never felt something like this before. I want to be your friend for as long as I can. Only if—"

"Hey, I would love to be 'your alpha'" I said trying to lighten up the mood.

He smiled.

"I can't forgive myself if something were to happen to you in the battle. Knowing that I was sitting behind—"

"Shh Eddie, the battle will be over even before you know it. I'll try to be safe." I said still not leaving his hand.

"Look at me Edward." I ordered softly. For the first time his eyes connected with mine.

Everything changed on that particular moment.










leech and mutt (BoyXBoy) - A Jakeward FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now