Wolf's bane

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Lucas' POV:

I was wondering about the weird smell when I sensed my mate. I was happy to see him, I gave him a small smile. But I noticed his forehead was creased, as if he was thinking hard.

"Hey Edward", I greeted him. 

"Hello Lucas" he replied his voice as smooth as velvet.

I was happy, my mate knew it was me! He acknowledged me!

I couldn't control myself.

I dipped my head on his neck and inhaled his mouth watering scent.

He smelt so good! I couldn't resist from giving him a small kiss on his neck. 

"Good to know that's how you greet vampires alpha, I'll let my family know" he chuckled.

"Not any other vampire, just you" I said smirking. I'm not Jake, I could definitely tear his dress of right now and mate with him.

He visibly struggled to form words for a few seconds. He's cute.

That's when I got a call from Paul.

I attended the call.

"You can't go there like a dog bait. You come up with the worse ideas, I swear Paulina" Emmett was screaming on the other side of the line.

"Hello Alpha, I called to inform you about the latest finding. Please come to Sam's house as soon as possible..."

...... AT SAM'S HOUSE....

"So you're telling me that Amentes clan is using something toxic and alluring to you guys, to kidnap you and then torture you, and the best idea that you could come up with is going there as a bait???" 

I have never seen happy-go-lucky Emmett so angry. Like Ever!

And I agree with him, it sounds super stupid.

"What if we use our scent to bait them, like we baited Victoria?" Seth asked. My naive little kid, they're not a single person to fool that easily.

"Well, for starters, there will be atleast 5 hunters and 2 head hunters along with 2 to 3 warriors who go on a small hunt. To lure them, if you give a bigger bait, the number is only going to get bigger and bigger" I replied.

"For any attack we should atleast know the rough numbers that we're fighting against, the more we know about our enemies, the more we can win the battle" Jasper chimed in.

"So what's your suggestion my friend" I asked him. From what I gathered, Jasper was a Major in the Southern army, and has the most experience when it comes to battles.

"We gather intel"

"And how do we do it?"

"We need help from the inside, either make Alpha Zayne talk or there's no other go other than to have a clan member on the inside"

"I'll go" Seth volunteered. 

"Hell no!"

Hey guys! It's me again.
I'm planning on updating short but frequent updates👉👈. I still don't have my laptop, so I'll be updating through my phone. If you find any mistakes please let me know.
Thanks for being patient with me.
I love y'all.
Don't be a closet reader!
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See you soon peeps❤

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