25. I love you Eddie

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"Edward, we need to talk"

"Hey to you too Bella" I kept my tone lighter.

She completely ignored my greeting.

"Did you know Casper is mate?" she asked calmly making my heart freeze.


"Since when?"

"Since the first time he came."

"Why did you keep it from me Edward? Where you even planning on telling me? I honestly can't believe it Edward. Why did you do this? So that you can keep me forever with a stupid ring? You know what? I'm done with you, We're over."

I was processing everything she said. She called my mother's ring stupid and she made one thing clear, she doesn't want to be with me forever and she's done with me.

"Bella?" I whispered.

"No Edward, he's my mate. He could love me like nobody else. He is made for me and I, him. We really had something but that doesn't give you the right to keep vital information from me."

Something interesting happened though.

Rose stood up for me and pulled me into a big hug.

"She doesn't deserve you Edward. Really, one day you're gonna find a person who's worth your love and when you do that, don't ever leave them." And honestly Jake's name was the only thing that came to my mind.

Bella breaking up with me before the marriage should hurt me but surprisingly it didn't hurt me much. maybe I've expected this earlier.

"Thanks Rose."

"And one more thing Edward"

"Yeah tell me"

'Don't ever tell this to anyone, and if you do I'll catastrate you' she thought making me give her a small smile.

Later that day, Emmett, Jasper dragged me to an club at Seattle, saying that they serve alcohol for supernaturals.

When I reached there, I was immediately dragged to the dance floor by Emmett. It was funny watching a huge guy like him dance. He was wantedly making some funny moves making me smile.

Then something caught my attention. Or should I say someone?

Jacob was in a heavy dancing session with the new guy.

"who's gonna top?" a guy asked, his thoughts way too x-rated for me to even think about.

"We'll both take chances, after all we love each other." The new guy said.

My heart dropped. He's his imprint. That's why he has his paws all over my Alpha (pun intended). He's not mine anymore. He didn't even know that I was there.

He chuckled making my lips quirk up even though my heart was literally breaking.

"Puppy, say me that you love me" the new guy whined wrapping his legs around my Jacob's waist.

I was still hoping that he'll say no and deny it saying that he was just messing around.

He gave him a smile saying "I do love you".

I was frozen on spot when his eyes met mine.

He let the new guy down.

"Puppy" he whined. I was minutes away from snapping at him.

"Hottie just a second love" he said to which he pouted.

"Hey" he greeted me.

"Hey" I greeted him.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Bella broke up with me" I blurted out. Why the hell did I say that?

"What?" he tried to ask sympathetically but his face broke into a impossibly big grin that had me worried for a second that his face may tear up.

"Bella broke up with me." I repeated.

"Okay are you for real?" He asked making me chuckle.

"No, I'm imaginary" I said making him smile.


"Oh really?" he asked nearing me.

"Yeah" I gulped.

"Then I can do anything I want. Since you're just imaginary" he said pulling me incredibly close.

"Puppy..." the annoying voice made us break apart.

"Hottie, over here" he called for the new guy. I glared at the new guy. Shit he never called me that. That had me pouting internally.

"Hey Eddie, this is Zyane." He said pointing towards 'hottie' I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Hottie, this is Edward." He said pointing towards me.

Soon we reached the bar and Emmett handed me a drink which made me eye him suspiciously. You'd ask me why but Emmett = trouble. I wonder what he's up to.

"A toast to boys dumped by Bella" he rose his cup making both Jake and myself glare at him.

He chuckled and started drinking from his cup.

****TIME SKIP****

All five of us were so drunk.

"So is 'hottie' your imprint?" I asked Jake when we were alone dancing.

"No, what made you think that?" he asked chuckling as if this was the best joke he has ever heard.

"Well you told him you love him, so I kinda assumed."

"Oh that. He's my friend. We have known each other since we were born and I love him. He's hot, funny and outright a great person but, he's not my mate."

"Oh" I felt a little bit relived.

We both goofed around.

"Bella didn't love both of us. Sadly" I added.

"You know what Eddie, fuck her. We've got each other. And..."

"And?" I asked my breath coming out as pants.

"I love you Eddie"






PUBLISHED 4-09-2018

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