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I want to mention something super special here.

This is ZeeLyNA 

She's an amazing author, Check her novels and I'm sure you won't regret it. #Zustiniscanon

Edward's P.O.V

(Who saw that coming?)

I can't call Jake until 11 a.m and I'm so bored. I'm not fighting the battle so I don't have to train.

I sneaked myself into Bella's room since I had nothing better to do. Guess she had a restless night, because she was still in a restless sleep . I was too tempted to leave but still I stayed hoping my presence could ease her.

Back in the rocking chair, I decided to focus on something else—my graduation gift for Bella, though I couldn't call it that or (more than likely) she wouldn't accept it. In my mind, I reviewed the contents of the fire safe built into my closet at home. I perused the items one by one and considered this could be perfect.


This time my name came as a solitary word from across the room, I rushed to Bella's bedside where she yawned and stretched. I sat carefully on the edge of the bed and twined my fingers through hers. Her eyes remained closed.

"Are you really awake this time?" I murmured.

"Mmm," Bella nodded sleepily. "Have there been a lot of false alarms?"

"You've been very restless—talking all day."

"All day?" Bella repeated in surprise, her eyes popping open. She looked toward the window.

"You had a long night, I guess so you'd earned a day in bed."

Bella sat up and stared outside. The sun was slipping toward the western horizon.


"Hungry?" I asked, standing up. "Do you want breakfast in bed?"

"I'll get it," Bella responded. "I need to get up and move around."

Bella sat at the table with her breakfast and as she raised one of the offensive, toasted rectangles to her mouth, I saw something that must have been hidden under her cuff before—a silver charm bracelet with a single charm on it. I felt iron stays tighten around my heart, but I kept my face smooth.

"May I?" I asked, reaching for the miniscule object.

"Um, sure."

I placed my palm beneath the tiny carved wolf where it balanced on four legs, an exquisite replication of the thing itself—Jacob Black in his alternate form. The workmanship was superb and I marveled that a shovel–handed non–vampire could have produced this miniature work of art.

It was a lovely graduation gift—romantic—and because I knew how Jacob thought, He was putting his mark on Bella, something that irked me, because Bella never accepts gift and my Jake has put a lot of effort to it.

Well my Jake? Where did it come from?

This doesn't have to be a bad thing, I told myself.

"Jacob Black can give you presents," I said carefully.

"You've given me presents," Bella said after a brief pause. "You know I like the homemade kind." She once did accept a compact disk of my piano compositions, something that did not require me to spend a dime. It wasn't an ideal criterion, but I could work with it.

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