34. Triads

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"Edward, we need to talk." I said in a serious tone making him straighten his posture.

"Ye- YEs. Go on" he stuttered cutely.

"get a grip and for god sakes tell him soon" Lucas snickered. 

I mentally rolled my eyes at Lucas.

I just led Eddie to my room.

"YEah JAcob, what's the use of bringing me here when every other person with super hearing can hear us?" 

The moment he said that, I felt so dumb.

Then I proposed the idea of passing notes. Old school, but good one.

J: Edward do you wanna meet my mate?

E: Jake, I told you already I don't care who your mate is. All I know is I can't let you go without trying. All I want is a chance Jake.

J: I'm giving you a chance.

He tackled me with a bone crushing hug.

"Really?" he asked, showing his pearly whites.

"Will you be my boyfriend Edward?" I asked.

He responded with a very passionate kiss.

Just at that moment we both heard loud wailing.

"They're at it again" Anna said.

'how much has she seen?' I wondered.

"Drink this" Anna handed a vial to Jasper and Seth.

Whatever she gave them seems to work cause they stopped wailing.

"What is happening?" Seth asked bewildered.

"You're sensing your mate's pain" Anna explained.

"My mate?" Seth asked really worried.


"But I haven't even imprinted yet!" He said his eyes welling up.

"What about me?"Jasper asked as if he was afraid to know the answer.

"Yeah your's is in danger too. And if I'm not wrong, I have a strong feeling that you both have a same mate"

"How can two people have same mate?" Seth asked alarmed.

Anna turned towards me, as if she asked permission to continue. I just nodded as I secretly reached for Eddie's hand and I held it firmly in mine. His hand fit perfectly in mine. Lucas was ecstatic. 

She noticed me holding Edward's hand. Edward had a small smile on his face. I can tell he's happy that I'm holding his hand, but he's also serious about the situation on hand.

"So it's a situation called triads. Humans practice it sometime too. The polyamory kind. Soulmates are believed to have a part of one's lost soul. That's the reason we feel complete when we're with them.

And in case of Triads, it's really upto the mid mate who chooses the bond.

If he/ she wills to have bond with both the mates then the three will consummate together to form a bond. After the formation of bond, the triad members will be each others individual mate, as in they can feel the bond, with or without the mid member that binds them together."

"Which means if our mate accepts us both Seth will be my mate?" Jasper asked. I looked at Seth for his reaction to which he was adorably blushing.

"And what if he chooses only one of us?" Seth asked with a very serious expression.

"Then you might get to imprint on someone else, which is a might only.  Else you can choose a partner. But you'll not have a mate." She said with a sad sigh.

Jasper came closer to Seth whispering.

"Then I hope our mate will accept us both"

Which flooded my heart with warmth.

After that we all dispersed but Jasper stayed with Seth.

I was still holding my mate's hand gently. He still has a small smile in his face.

I wanna kiss him so badly.

And that's what I did.

I kissed him. As passionately as I can. I pulled his body flush against mine sucking his lips roughly, angling his face by holing his neck, kissing him to my heart's fill. He let out small whines making me never wanna stop kissing him.

But sadly I ran out of air, and as I came out for air, I was met with the shocked faces of Seth, Jasper and my pack members.

DID I MESS IT UP?????????

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